Under CopyrightOrtiz, GuillermoGuillermoOrtizStrenger, ChristianChristianStrengerUhnevionak, ViktoryiaViktoryiaUhnevionakBurenkov, AlexanderAlexanderBurenkovBauer, Anton J.Anton J.BauerPichler, PeterPeterPichlerCristiano, FuccioFuccioCristianoBedel-Pereira, ElenaElenaBedel-PereiraMortet, VincentVincentMortet2022-03-046.3.20152015https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/23925110.1063/1.4908123Silicon carbide n-type metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) with different p-body acceptor concentrations were characterized by Hall effect. Normally OFF MOSFETs with good transfer characteristics and low threshold voltage were obtained with a peak mobility of ∼145 cm2 V−1 s−1 for the lowest acceptor concentration. The results are explained in terms of an increase of Coulomb scattering centers when increasing the background doping. These scattering centers are associated to fixed oxide and trapped interface charges. Additionally, the observed mobility improvement is not related to a decrease of the interface states density as a function of background doping.enSiCsilicon carbidehall effectMOSFETmobilityinterface states670621620530Impact of acceptor concentration on electrical properties and density of interface states of 4H-SiC n-metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors studied by Hall effectEinfluss der Akzeptorkonzentration auf die per Hall untersuchten elektrischen Eigenschaften und die Konzentration von Grenzflächenzuständen von 4H-SiC n-Kanal-MOSFETsjournal article