Meyer, Till JasperTill JasperMeyerGerhard-Hartmann, ElenaElenaGerhard-HartmannLodes, NinaNinaLodesScherzad, AgmalAgmalScherzadHagen, RudolfRudolfHagenSteinke, MariaMariaSteinkeHackenberg, StephanStephanHackenberg2022-03-062022-03-062021 The entity assignment of salivary gland tumors (SGT) based on histomorphology can be challenging. Raman spectroscopy has been applied to analyze differences in the molecular composition of tissues. The aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of RS for entity assignment in SGT. Methods Raman data were collected in deparaffinized sections of pleomorphic adenomas (PA) and adenoid cystic carcinomas (ACC). Multivariate data and chemometric analysis were completed using the Unscrambler software. Results The Raman spectra detected in ACC samples were mostly assigned to nucleic acids, lipids, and amides. In a principal component-based linear discriminant analysis (LDA) 18 of 20 tumor samples were classified correctly. Conclusion In this proof of concept study, we show that a reliable SGT diagnosis based on LDA algorithm appears possible, despite variations in the entity-specific mean spectra. However, a standardized workflow for tissue sample preparation, measurement setup, and chemometric algorithms is essential to get reliable results.ensalivary gland tumors (SGT)adenoid cystic carcinomas (ACC)nucleic acidhistomorphologyraman spectroscopy666500Pilot study on the value of Raman spectroscopy in the entity assignment of salivary gland tumorsjournal article