Seus, SarahSarahSeusUhrmeister, PaulinePaulineUhrmeisterAfghani, NofNofAfghaniFoulds, ChrisChrisFoulds2024-02-122024-02-122022 purpose of this deliverable is to detail the preliminary plans for conducting Work Package (WP) 6 of the SHARED GREEN DEAL project. WP6 has been designed as a cross-cutting Work Package, and thus this deliverable aims to delineate the specific focus of WP6. At the same time, it shall provide a useful reference point for coordination with the analysis work packages - namely WP4 and WP5 - which similarly use data collected from the same sorts of activities conducted in other parts of the project. WP6 has three main aims: First, it introduces the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) to the SHARED GREEN DEAL project and its consortium members. More specifically, finding a common understanding of RRI between all SHARED GREEN DEAL partners. Second, WP6 will provide guidelines and tools on how to consider RRI in the SHARED GREEN DEAL project activities. Third, WP6 will analyse: how RRI has been used during the SHARED GREEN DEAL project; how RRI considerations have evolved among the consortium partners; and, finally, whether the inclusion of RRI considerations has helped to strengthen the usefulness and usability of project results, especially in light of a broader societal transition towards sustainability. The analysis within WP6 will focus on the work and interaction processes both within the consortium, as well as within the collaborative work that the partners do with external subcontractors and participants in the project’s ‘social experiments’. The core of this deliverable is the ‘SHARED GREEN DEAL RRI vision’ (see section 3, ‘Our Responsible Research & Innovation vision for the SHARED GREEN DEAL project’). This vision defines RRI and its guiding principles, following joint elaboration and exploration with all consortium partners. It has been developed over the last eight months of the project, including at two consortium meetings. The audience of this deliverable is the following: first, we meet our contractual obligations towards the EC and show both what we have done so far and the planning for the years to come. Second, the deliverable (especially the RRI vi sion) is addressed directly to the members of the SHARED GREEN DEAL consortium themselves, many of whom may be less familiar with RRI concepts. Third, Section 3’s action plan will be of internal use for further project management purposes, especially in discussing synergies and crossovers with other work packages. We note here that Section 3 should be seen only as a preliminary starting point for activities to come, and thus will inevitably be evolved during the course of the project’s five-year lifetime, especially in the months leading up to the launch of the project’s social experiments. Fourth and finally, we hope that this deliverable will also be useful for other projects and (transdisciplinary) research consortia, given that we take the time to explain RRI and demonstrate how its various concepts can concretely be applied at a project level.enResponsible by choice: An Action Plan for embedding RRI in the SHARED GREEN DEAL projectreport