Zhao, TianTianZhaoSchneider-Jung, Fabio JulianFabio JulianSchneider-JungLinn, JoachimJoachimLinnMüller, RalfRalfMüller2023-12-202023-12-202023https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/45821110.1002/pamm.202300255This contribution aims to characterize and model the nonlinear elastic behavior of cables for reliable simulations. To simulate the nonlinear elastic behavior of cables, we use an iterative method, where at each step, an algorithmic local bending stiffness constant is used and updated according to the current cable state. We also formulate an inverse problem to determine the properties of real cables. By solving the inverse problem, the nonlinear elastic behavior for given measurement data is identified, yielding a curvature-dependent bending stiffness characteristic. In addition, we propose an alternative method based on the balance equations for rods in static equilibrium to identify the bending stiffness characteristic. We apply both methods to experimental data, and the results are compared and discussed.enrealistic nonlinear elastic bendingcable simulationDDC::500 Naturwissenschaften und MathematikTowards realistic nonlinear elastic bending behavior for cable simulationjournal article