Fuchs, D.R.D.R.Fuchs2022-03-082022-03-081992https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/320285By comparison of literature data for marble decay with Glass Sensor results it can be shown that this new integrating method offers alternative perspectives for monitoring total stress levels relevant for marble deterioration risks. The sensitive dosimeter material (K-Ca silicate glass) gives dose-response-relations for gaseous pollutants (SO2) as well as synergetic interactions (SO2/NO2) in the same magnitudes as reported for marbles, but with increased kinetics and, thus, shorter observation times. The glass sensor method integrates all major environmental parameters and summarizes their combined effects into one representative (delta)E value. The method is easy-to-handle and suitable for large-scale as well as small-scale mapping, indoor as well as outdoor.enenvironmental stress levelglass sensorpollution monitoring666Total stress levels at monuments - combined assessment using glass sensorsconference paper