Schmieder, FlorianFlorianSchmiederStröbel, JoachimJoachimStröbelRösler, MechthildMechthildRöslerGrünzner, StefanStefanGrünznerHohenstein, BerndBerndHohensteinKlotzbach, UdoUdoKlotzbachSonntag, FrankFrankSonntag2022-03-052022-03-052016's 3D printing technologies offer great possibilities for biomedical researchers to create their own specific laboratory equipment. With respect to the generation of ex vivo vascular perfusion systems this will enable new types of products that will embed complex 3D structures possibly coupled with cell loaded scaffolds closely reflecting the in-vivo environment. Moreover this could lead to microfluidic devices that should be available in small numbers of pieces at moderate prices. Here, we will present first results of such 3D printed cell culture systems made from plastics and show their use for scaffold based applications.enadditive manufacturing3D cell culture3D printingmicrofluidictissue engineering3D printing - a key technology for tailored biomedical cell culture lab warejournal article