Wetzig, AndreasAndreasWetzigHauptmann, JanJanHauptmannHerwig, PatrickPatrickHerwigBeyer, EckhardEckhardBeyerBundschuh, WielandWielandBundschuhVolk, SimonSimonVolkHemberger, MarkMarkHemberger2022-03-132022-03-132016https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/39119410.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.854.237Laser cutting is introduced as an alternative technique to manufacture typical metallic punching and bending parts. Assets and drawbacks of high speed laser cutting technologies like Remote Laser Cutting and laser fusion cutting by means of a high dynamic form cutter are discussed. Finally, the concept of the worlds first industrial inline reel to reel laser cutting machine for metal strips is presented.enband materiallaser high speed cuttinglaser remote cutting621671Inline high speed laser cutting of band materialconference paper