Rusu, C.C.RusuBader, S.S.BaderOelmann, B.B.OelmannAlvandpour, A.A.AlvandpourEnoksson, P.P.EnokssonBraun, T.T.BraunTiedke, S.S.TiedkeDal Molin, R.R.Dal MolinFerin, G.G.FerinTorvinen, P.P.TorvinenLiljeholm, J.J.Liljeholm2022-03-142022-03-142018 ambient energy, as an alternative power source, tackles the increasing demand for future energy-efficient autonomous sensor systems, especially for applications requiring miniaturisation and distributed sensing such Wireless Sensors Network and Internet-of-Things. A functional energy harvesting system requires addressing simultaneously all the components of the system: the harvester device, the energy storage and the powering management circuits. These components are described through examples of miniaturized kinetic-based harvesting systems for low-power applications with focus on energy harvester, piezoelectric and electromagnetic, respectively.en621Challenges for Miniaturised Energy Harvesting Sensor Systemsconference paper