Ungerland, JakobJakobUngerlandBiener, WolfgangWolfgangBienerLens, HendrikHendrikLens2023-08-102023-08-102023Note-ID: 0000874Ahttps://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/448000Stability studies of future power systems that are domi-nated by converter-based generation, typically connect-ed to the distribution system, require high computational effort. Equivalent dynamic models of distribution sys-tems reproduce the dynamic behavior while reducing the complexity of the corresponding detailed network mod-els. The Sensitivity-Technology-Control-Clustered Ap-proach, introduced in previous work, is a method capa-ble of creating equivalent dynamic models of distribu-tion grids with both grid following and grid forming converters. For this work, a German transmission system area is modeled, and fourteen distribution grids are connected to several nodes of the transmission system. The distribution grids are represented by three grid models dominated by converter-based generation in-cluding grid forming converters. The Sensitivity-Technology-Control-Clustered Approach is applied to each detailed distribution network model and simula-tions are performed for a phase angle jump, a frequency jump and a short circuit fault. The dynamic behavior of each detailed network model is compared with the corre-sponding equivalent dynamic model by applying a suit-able validation methodology. Results show that the de-tailed networks’ dynamic behavior is reproduced accu-rately. Also, the model complexity of the detailed net-work models was reduced significantly. Hence, the Sensi-tivity-Technology-Control-Clustered Approach is a suit-able method to create equivalent dynamic models in the context of system stability studies of future converter dominated networks.enEvaluation of Dynamic Active Distribution Network Equivalents with Grid Forming Converters in the Context of System Stability Studiespresentation