Under CopyrightKünzel, H.M.H.M.Künzel2022-03-0716.12.20031995https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/28814510.24406/publica-fhg-288145Performance and service life of building components are to a large extent determined by their hygrothermal behaviour. Since experimental examinations, apart from being expensive, can cover only small aspects of the real phenomena, the demand for computational tools has increased in recent years. In contrast to previous moisture calculations depending on sophisticated material parameters which were difficult and sometimes impossible to measure, new investigations have led to rather simple yet very accurate models requiring mostly standard material properties. Numerous applications have already proven the validity of the described calculations, which are based on physically plausible formulations.enBauteilFeuchteleitungnumerisches VerfahrenWärmeübertragung690624690Simultaneous heat and moisture transport in building components. One- and two-dimensional calculation using simple parametersbook