Vahl, MatthiasMatthiasVahlLukas, Uwe vonUwe vonLukasUrban, BodoBodoUrbanKuijper, ArjanArjanKuijper2022-03-1213.5.20152015 aerial images are available in very high resolution. The automated production and updating of electronic nautical charts (ENC), as well as other products (e.g. thematic maps), from aerial images is a current challenge for hydrographic organizations. Often standard vision algorithms are not reliable enough for robust object detection in natural images. We thus propose a procedure that combines processing steps on three levels, from pixel (low-level) via segments (mid-level) to semantic information (high level). We combine simple linear iterative clustering (SLIC) as an efficient low-level algorithm with a classification based on texture features by supported vector machine (SVM) and a generalized Hough transformation (GHT) for detecting shapes on mid-level. Finally, we show how semantic information can be used to improve results from the earlier processing steps in the high-level step. As standard vision methods are typically much too slow for such huge-sized images and additionally geographical references must be maintained over the complete procedure, we present a solution to overcome these problems.encomputer visiongeographic information systems (GIS)segmentationimage analysis006Semi-automatic analysis of huge digital nautical charts of coastal aerial imagesconference paper