Maiwald, M.M.MaiwaldWerner, C.C.WernerZöllmer, V.V.ZöllmerBusse, M.M.Busse2022-03-042022-03-042010 purpose of this paper is to highlight INKtelligent printed sensor structures using maskless depositition technologies. This paper begins with a general introduction to INKtelligent printing. Starting with layout and ink development, the fabrication of printed sensors is described in detail. Printed strain gauges, thermopiles and gas sensitive films are successfully fabricated with maskless deposition technologies, offering advantages for continuous non-destructive measurement compared to conventional sensors. This paper shows a new approach for customized sensor structures. The application of a resource efficient and flexible printing technique for sensor fabrication is demonstrated.en620660671621INKtelligent printing for sensorial applicationsjournal article