Dolanc, GregorGregorDolancPregelj, BostjanBostjanPregeljPetrovcic, JankoJankoPetrovcicPasel, JoachimJoachimPaselKolb, GuntherGuntherKolb2022-03-052022-03-052016 this paper a control system for autothermal reforming reactor for diesel fuel is presented. Autothermal reforming reactors and the pertaining purification reactors are used to convert diesel fuel into hydrogen-rich reformate gas, which is then converted into electricity by the fuel cell. The purpose of the presented control system is to control the hydrogen production rate and the temperature of the autothermal reforming reactor. The system is designed in such a way that the two control loops do not interact, which is required for stable operation of the fuel cell. The presented control system is a part of the complete control system of the diesel fuel cell auxiliary power unit (APU).enautothermaldiesel reformingfuel cellsAuxiliary power unitprocess control621Control of autothermal reforming reactor of diesel fueljournal article