Reichenbach, RebeccaRebeccaReichenbachEberl, ChristophChristophEberlLindenmeier, JörgJörgLindenmeier2022-10-132022-10-132022 study provides new insights into the dynamics of attribute-specific customer requirements in innovation processes. For this purpose, a panel study with three survey time points was conducted based on the Kano model. These time points were localised before and after the launch of a novel scientific online platform. In contrast to previous research, subjects’ responses were linked across the three measurement time points. This matching of the respondents enabled the identification of segments of homogeneous time-dependent shifts in customer requirements and their description based on sociodemographic, acceptance- related, and usage-based characteristics. The results provide academics and managers with practical implications and avenues for future research.enKano modelcustomer requirementspreference dynamicsmultiattribute modelUTAUTDynamics of attribute-specific customer requirements in innovation processes: A panel analysis considering Kano's theoryjournal article