Klocke, FritzFritzKlockeBergs, ThomasThomasBergsGlasmacher, LotharLotharGlasmacherMeinecke, MatthiasMatthiasMeinecke2022-03-102022-03-102006https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/353578The complexity of 5-axis machining still makes this technology expensive due to tremendous efforts to be spent in process planing and optimization. CAD models, NC data, the machine tool's kinematics and dynamic all these factors are influencing the process performance and making failure analysis extremely difficult. The paper on hand presents two approaches of improving the multi axis machining process off-line, before testing the operation on a machine tool. First of all a software called NCProfiler will be presented which provides methods for NC data analysis with regards to the kinematics and dynamics of the machine tool. Second, an approach to harmonize tool path using the Non Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) format will be presented. Finally, the application of NURBS strategies are explained on examples like finishing a blade of a BLISK (integral construction of a compressor rotor) and the machining of molds and dies. With the use of NURBS an improvement of the tool path could be obtained in terms of a harmonized motion profile. However, the process of generating NURBS has to be handled carefully since non-valuated input data which are for example containing stairs or non-uniform point distributions may result in just as bad output data. By applying proper methods (e.g. splitting, unification of control point distance, clamping, merging) an optimized osculation of the NURBS could be obtained. Moreover, a reduction of the maximum acceleration by up to 50% did thereby improve the process velocity. For critical sections an efficiency increase of up to 30% was achieved while keeping the surface quality on the same level or even better. The improvement of the surface can mainly by traced back to a constant feed per tooth which again directly affects the tool wear. The comprehensive tasks that are linked with a sustainable analysis and improvement of the tool path still revealed a need for further features particularly supporting the NURBS generation. Entnommen aus <a_href="http://www.fiz-technik.de/db/b_tema.htm" target="_blank">TEMA</a>enmaschinelle Bearbeitungnumerische SteuerungDatenOptimierungSpline-FunktionInterpolationWerkzeugFehleranalyseSoftwareKinematikDynamikDatenanalyseProzeßgeschwindigkeitOberflächengüteWerkzeugverschleißHochleistungKalkulation658670NC data optimization by B-Spline interpolation in 5-axis machiningconference paper