Kirsche, AlexanderAlexanderKirscheKlas, RobertRobertKlasGebhardt, MartinMartinGebhardtEisenbach, LucasLucasEisenbachEschen, WilhelmWilhelmEschenBuldt, JoachimJoachimBuldtStark, HenningHenningStarkRothhardt, JanJanRothhardtLimpert, JensJensLimpert2023-07-062023-07-062022 fully tunable table-top extreme ultraviolet source providing state-of-the-art photon flux at energies of 50-70 eV is presented. It is based on a nonlinear blueshift and subsequent high harmonic generation in a gas-filled capillary.enContinuously tunable high photon flux high harmonic source at 50 - 70 eVconference paper