Schmidt, JensJensSchmidtEckardt, ChristianChristianEckardtRüdinger, ArneArneRüdinger2023-04-252023-04-252022 CMC (O-CMC) are currently used mainly in various industries due to their low weight, high ductility and high strength up to high temperatures of around 1200 °C. The most common manufacturing tech-niques already used in industry are filament winding and lamination. The increasingly used textile fibre preforms with aligned fibres and joints allow the manufacturing of more complex designs and enable a variety of novel geometries. The Fraunhofer Center for High-Temperature Materials and Design (HTL) develops new CMC technologies and products in joint projects with industrial partners.ennet-shape manufacturingoxide ceramic matrix compositesprepretechnologytextile fibre preformsDDC::500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik::540 Chemie::540 Chemie und zugeordnete WissenschaftenDDC::500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik::530 PhysikLightweight Hot Structures from Oxide Ceramic Matrix Compositesjournal article