Breitenstein, O.O.BreitensteinRakotoniaina, J.P.J.P.RakotoniainaAltmann, F.F.AltmannSchulz, J.J.SchulzLinse, G.G.Linse2022-03-092022-03-092002 this paper new thermographic techniques with significant improved temperature and/or spatial resolution are presented and compared with existing techniques. In infrared (IR) lock-in thermography heat sources in an electronic device are periodically activated electrically, and the surface is imaged by a free-running IR camera. By computer processing and averaging the images over a certain acquisition time, a surface temperature modulation below 100 K can be resolved. Moreover, the effective spatial resolution is considerably improved compared to stead-state thermal imaging techniques, since the lateral heat diffusion is suppressed in this a.c. technique. However, a serious limitation is that the spatial resolution is limited to about 5 microns due to the IR wavelength range of 3 -5 m used by the IR camera. Nevertheless, we demonstrate that lock-in thermography reliably allows the detection of defects in ICs if their power exceeds some 10 W. The imaging can be performe d also through the silicon substrate from the backside of the chip. Also the well-known fluorescent microthermal imaging (FMI) technique can be be used in lock-in mode, leading to a temperature resolution in the mK range, but a spatial resolution below 1 micron.en531620Fault localization and functional testing of ICs by lock-in thermographyconference paper