Lutz, Marc-AlexanderMarc-AlexanderLutzCernusko, RobertRobertCernuskoGörg, PhilipPhilipGörgFaulstich, StefanStefanFaulstichPfaffel, SebastianSebastianPfaffel2022-03-066.2.20202019 the background of numerous wind turbines phasing out of fixed feed‐in tariffs in the following years and an increasing share of negative electricity market prices on the spot market, the availability definitions of ""time‐based"" and ""production‐based"" availability are possibly no longer suitable for assessing the overall performance of a wind turbine. This paper introduces a novel definition: the ""monetary‐based"" availability. The differences between the established definitions and the ""monetary‐based"" availability are highlighted by comparing the measures on an empirical data set. Furthermore, results on the impact of scheduling planned downtimes towards a monetary‐based optimum show that revenues can be increased. By shifting only a small share of the annual downtime to an optimum to maximize the revenue from electricity, a strong increase in additional earnings and thereby an increasment of the monetary‐based availability can be achieved.enavailabilitycontinued operationmaintenancewind turbinespot market333Monetary-based Availability: A novel Approach to Assess the Performance of Wind Turbinesjournal article