Gueller, M.M.GuellerHegmanns, T.T.HegmannsKuhn, A.A.Kuhn2022-03-052022-03-052016 recent years, the ability to respond to real time changes in operations and reconfigurabil-ity in equipment are likely to become essential character-istics for next generation intralogistics systems as well as the level of automation, cost effectiveness and maximum throughput. In order to cope with turbulences and the increasing level of dynamic conditions, future intralogis-tics systems have to feature short reaction times, high flexibility in processes and the ability to adapt to fre-quent changes. The increasing autonomy and complexity in processes of todayĆ¢s intralogistics systems requires new and innovative management approaches, which al-low a fast response to (un)anticipated events and adapta-tion to changing environment in order to reduce the negative consequences of these events. The ability of a system to respond effectively a disruption depends more on the decisions taken before the event than those taken during or after.en338Performance availability and anticipatory change plan-ning of intralogistics systems: A simulation-based ap-proachjournal article