Malinverni, CarlaCarlaMalinverniSalvo, MilenaMilenaSalvoZiętara, MaciejMaciejZiętaraCempura, GrzegorzGrzegorzCempuraKruk, AdamAdamKrukMaier, JonathanJonathanMaierPrentice, CalvinCalvinPrenticeFarnham, MichaelMichaelFarnhamCasalegno, ValentinaValentinaCasalegno2024-02-072024-02-072024 this work, a yttrium aluminosilicate glass-ceramic was employed to join two different SiC/SiC ceramic matrix composites to be used as radiant tube furnace components for energy-intensive industries, such as steelmaking. Two different joining processes are reported. The joints were morphologically characterized using scanning electron microscopy, and they were mechanically tested using the single-lap offset shear test at room temperature, where the failure was caused by the delamination of the composite, thus denoting an excellent adhesion between the glass-ceramic and the SiC/SiC composite.enCompositesGlass-ceramicJoiningSiC/SiCYttrium aluminosilicateDDC::500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik::530 PhysikDDC::500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik::540 ChemieA yttrium aluminosilicate glass-ceramic to join SiC/SiC compositesjournal article