Schneider-Strehl, LeonardLeonardSchneider-StrehlBerneiser, JessicaJessicaBerneiserGölz, SebastianSebastianGölz2024-03-132024-03-132024Note-ID: 0000A3C2 energy-intensive industries is highly relevant for reaching greenhouse gas reduction targets. Various challenges exist that tend to be addressed by relying on technological innovation - neglecting the societal dimension of transformation processes. Aim of this research is to shed light on the complex environment in which decarbonization of the Germany energy-intensive industry is happening by the means of an actor analysis. For the investigation and analysis of the actor landscape and networks influencing energy transition in Germany’s energy-intensive industry, a mixed-methods approach was applied including literature and internet research, a qualitative document analysis and a quantitative expert survey. Results indicate that the success of energy transition in the industrial sector does not only depend on industrial companies (and available technology), but on various actors and their interaction. A look at the actors' instruments reveals essential differences in their influence on transformation processes and in the effectiveness of their expressions of interest. While the overall aim of climate protection and hence, the necessity of decarbonization, is undisputed among all examined actors, the industry’s concern of maintaining competitiveness and pursuing mainly economic and financial goals might be considered as an obstacle to achieving climate targets. Even though only few environmental organizations also focus on energy transition in the German industry, they were rated to be the most driving actors in our expert survey, followed by scientific and research institutions and EU political institutions.enActor analysis with focus on decarbonization of energy-intensive industries in Germanyjournal article