Richter, P.P.RichterWinkel, B.B.WinkelWakker, B.P.B.P.WakkerPingel, N.M.N.M.PingelFox, A.J.A.J.FoxHeald, G.G.HealdWalterbos, R.A.M.R.A.M.WalterbosFechner, C.C.FechnerBen Bekhti, N.N.Ben BekhtiGentile, G.G.Gentile2022-03-062022-03-062018 present a detailed analysis of the absorption properties of one of the tidal gas streams around the "Whale" galaxy NGC 4631 in the direction of the quasar 2MASS J12421031+3214268. Our study is based on ultraviolet spectral data obtained with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and 21cm-data from the HALOGAS project and the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). We detect strong H i Lya absorption in the velocity range +550 to +800 km s−1 related to gas from a NGC 4631 tidal stream known as Spur 2. We measure a column density of log (N(H i/cm−2)) = 18.68 ± 0.15, indicating that the quasar sightline traces the outer boundary of Spur 2 as seen in the 21 cm data. Metal absorption in Spur 2 is detected in the lines of O i, C ii, Si ii, and Si iii in a complex absorption pattern that reflects the multiphase nature of the gas. We find that the average neutral gas fraction in Spur 2 toward 2MASS J12421031+3214268 is only 14%. This implies that ionized gas dominates the total mass of Spur 2, which then may comprise more than 109 M ☉. No significant depletion of Si is observed, showing that Spur 2 does not contain significant amounts of dust. From the measured O i/H i column density ratio, we determine an a abundance in Spur 2 of ${0.13}_{-0.05}{+0.07}$ solar ([a/H] = −0.90±0.16), which is substantially lower than what is observed in the NGC 4631 disk. The low metallicity and low dust content suggest that Spur 2 represents metal-deficient gas stripped off a gas-rich satellite galaxy during a recent encounter with NGC 4631.en621Circumgalactic Gas at its Extreme: Tidal Gas Streams around the Whale Galaxy NGC 4631 Explored with HST/COSjournal article