Schraml, MichaelMichaelSchramlPapathanasiou, NiklasNiklasPapathanasiouMay, AlexanderAlexanderMayRommel, MathiasMathiasRommelErlbacher, TobiasTobiasErlbacher2024-01-182024-01-182023 fabrication of a novel Vacuum UV (VUV) sensitive 4H-SiC pin photodiode is presented. Aluminum ion implantation was used to fabricate a patterned emitter structure with p - and p + regions resulting in the highest reported VUV sensitivity for a SiC pin photodiode.enFabricationSensitivityIon implantationPIN photodiodesSilicon carbideAluminumDopingUV SensorVUV4H-SiCPhotodiodeSpectral responsivityDDC::600 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften::620 Ingenieurwissenschaften::621 Angewandte Physik4H-SiC PIN Photodiode for VUV Detection Using an Enhanced Emitter Doping Designconference paper