Publications Search Results

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  • Publication
    The Value of the User Evaluation Process in the European IoT Large-Scale Pilot for Smart Living
    ( 2021)
    Wichert, Reiner
    Tazari, Mohammad-Reza
    Albrecht, Axel
    Wichert, Monika
    Within the EU ACTIVAGE [1] project, a multi-centric IoT-Large Scale Pilot on smart living environments for aging well, we enrolled our smart living solutions in Germany with 184 older adults and a number of their formal and informal caregivers as end users and performed in the last year of the project an evaluation of our deployments. This paper presents the results of this evaluation. The main goal of the assessment was to find an optimal set of devices and functions to increase the users' wellbeing based on IoT activity monitoring and detection of emergencies. The evaluation used information from sensors installed in homes and nursing rooms, combined with surveys on demographic data of users, user satisfaction survey, and a marketing survey to assess other features that the system should have to offer an attractive solution on the market. After an overview of the piloting setup and a focused discussion of the evaluation results, the paper concludes with further development, which resulted in a new system.
  • Publication
    Can the market breakthrough in AAL be achieved by a large scale pilot?
    ( 2014)
    Tazari, Mohammad-Reza
    Wichert, Reiner
    Ambient Assisted Living is still on the cusp of a mainstream breakthrough, even though the market potential is tremendous. As barriers to the success of AAL, [1] mentions the lack of viable business models as well as the lack of ecosystems around common open platforms. Considering the fact that the EU has supported the development of universAAL as a true candidate for such common open platforms, this paper describes the next logical step towards the rollout of AAL throughout Europe based on this platform so that the foundation stone for the emergence of a self-organizing ecosystem is laid. In order to elaborate the feasibility of such rollouts, the European Commission published in early 2012 a CIP-ICT-PSP call for piloting AAL in large-scale based on interoperable platforms, where the winner was the proposal "make it ReAAL" that builds on universAAL as the common open platform. In addition to the applications coming with the universAAL Platform, the local vendors from each pilot region will offer their AAL products and services to the participating pilot sites. This means that a two-way adaptation is supposed to be addressed in ReAAL: on one hand, the universAAL native applications can be adapted to the requirements of the pilot sites, and on the other hand, the existing applications from the pilot regions can be integrated with the universAAL platform. Each Pilot site will then be able to select from this portfolio, those applications that are more suitable for their planned intervention. The mission of ReAAL is in this context to find out if the adaptation of a product to a common platform is economically reasonable when a company plans to enter the market with a new product idea. Based on this, ReAAL will hopefully show the cost-effectiveness of interoperable solutions compared to both vertical isolated solutions and comprehensive but closed systems. This should pave the way for the emergence of an ecosystem around a common open platform and based on that for the market breakthrough of AAL through interoperability.
  • Publication
    Kann der Marktdurchbruch in AAL durch ein großangelegtes Pilotvorhaben erreicht werden?
    ( 2013)
    Tazari, Mohammad-Reza
    Wichert, Reiner
    Trotz des großen zukünftigen Marktpotenzials für die Industrie steht die AAL-Branche immer noch nicht vor dem Durchbruch. Als Barriere hierfür werden einerseits fehlende Geschäftsmodelle und andererseits fehlende Ökosysteme um gemeinsame offene Plattformen genannt. Nachdem nun die EU die Entwicklung von universAAL als ein echter Kandidat für eine solche gemeinsame offene Plattform gefördert hat, beschreibt dieser Beitrag den nächsten logischen Schritt, AAL basierend auf dieser Plattform europaweit auszurollen, damit der Grundstein für die Entstehung eines selbstorganisierenden Ökosystems gelegt ist. Um die Machbarkeit nachweisen zu können, hatte die Europäische Kommission eine Ausschreibung für Pilotregionen im PSP-CIP-Programm veröffentlicht, deren Anwendungen auf interoperable Plattformen basieren sollen. Das Projekt, das gewonnen hat, war "make it ReAAL", das auf die universAAL Plattform als die gemeinsame offene Plattform aufbaut. In ReAAL stellen die lokalen Anbieter aus den Pilotregionen zusätzlich zu den von universAAL angebotenen Anwendungen weitere Dienste zur Verfügung. So können einerseits universAAL- native Applikationen an die Bedürfnisse der Regionen adaptiert werden, und andererseits bestehende Anwendungen der Pilotregionen an die Plattform angebunden werden. Jede Pilotregion selektiert dann aus diesem Set an Anwendungen, genau solche, die ihre Bedürfnisse am besten erfüllen Die Mission von ReAAL ist es, somit herauszufinden, ob eine Adaption von Produkten auf einer gemeinsamen offenen Plattform ökonomisch sinnvoll ist, wenn ein Unternehmen eine eigene Produktidee auf den Markt bringen möchte. Mit dieser Vorgehensweise wird durch ReAAL hoffentlich nachgewiesen, dass Interoperabilität billiger ist als sowohl vertikal isolierte Lösungen als auch umfassende aber geschlossene Systeme. Somit kann der Weg für die Entstehung eines Ökosystems um eine gemeinsame offene Plattform geebnet und basierend darauf der Marktdurchbruch von AAL durch Interoperabilität erzielt werden.
  • Publication
    Technology, Platforms, Standards, Interoperability
    ( 2012)
    Tazari, Mohammad-Reza
    As a multidisciplinary technological approach, AAL involves (too) many different standards at diverse Ievels of hardware, software ( architectures and interfaces ), processes and services, data and content, etc. Considering that even simple sensors and actuators from a single domain are not interoperable by themselves, it should be obvious that complexity increases dramatically when several different domains, such as health, well-being, comfort, entertainment, safety and security, home automation, and energy efficiency, are considered in a combined way for creating AAL applications and services. Hence, the AAL Forum 2010 organised Track F on "Technology, Platforms, Standards, lnteroperability" to investigate two closely-related questions: the role of standards and platforms in coping with the challenge of interoperability in AAL as weil as the obstacles to their wider adoption by technology providers. Since neither the creation of the AAL platforms nor the development of related standards is in the focus of the AAL Joint Programme per se, it was expected that this track would play a bridging role between AAL JP on the one side, and the more longterm industrial activities towards standards as well as the strategic research on AAL platforms in the context of the Framework Programmes of the European Commission on the other. Consequently, Track F was organised in four preparatory sessions for looking at the standardisation and platform scene and collecting views on obstacles and possible strategies for overcoming them. In a fifth session, this track finished its work by a panel discussion for summing up the collected information and making recomrnendations to the AAL comrnunity and its Joint Programme. The following is a summary of these five sessions.
  • Publication
    Evaluating AAL systems through competitive benchmarking (EVAAL)-technical aspects of the first competition
    ( 2012)
    Chessa, Stefano
    Furfari, Francesco
    Potortì, F.
    Barsocchi, Paolo
    Tazari, Mohammad-Reza
    Wichert, Reiner
    EvAAL (Evaluating AAL Systems Through Competitive Benchmarking) is an international competition aimed at the evaluation and assessment of Ambient Assisted Living systems, components, services and platforms. In 2011 the first Ev AAL event took place, on the specific theme of lndoor Localisation and Tracking for AAL. This paper describes the technical aspects of the first experience of Ev AAL, and sketcbes a roadmap for future events.
  • Publication
    The universAAL reference model for AAL
    ( 2012)
    Tazari, Mohammad-Reza
    Furfari, Francesco
    Fides-Valero, Alvaro
    Hanke, Sten
    Hoeftberger, Oliver
    Kehagias, Dionisis
    Mosmondor, Miran
    Wichert, Reiner
    Wolf, Peter
    Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) is lacking a reference model that can serve as a basis for understanding the main issues to be addressed without any solution bias. Such a reference model will facilitate consensus-building processes and consolidation efforts towards converging conclusions on AAL infrastructures. The universAAL project, that aims at producing an open platform along with a standardized approach for making it technically feasible and economically viable to develop AAL solutions, has defined a process consisting of four iterations for filling this gap. Here, the results of the first iteration on a reference model for AAL are presented.
  • Publication
    How to overcome the market entrance barrier and achieve the market breakthrough in AAL
    ( 2012)
    Wichert, Reiner
    Furfari, Francesco
    Kung, Antonio
    Tazari, Mohammad-Reza
    Since the changing demographics the European Commission as well as near all national funding organisations see the necessity to support assisted technologies through huge funding instruments. Despite its tremendous market potential, AAL (Ambient Assisted Living) is still on the cusp of a mainstream break-through. A lack of viable business models is considered almost unanimously to be the greatest market obstacle to a broad implementation of innovative AAL systems. This paper describes the sustainable approach by universAAL and AALOA to overcome this market entrance barrier by mobilizing the AAL community and influencing the funding programs to achieve the market breakthrough in AAL.
  • Publication
    3D interaction in AAL environments based on ontologies
    ( 2012)
    Marinc, Alexander
    Stocklöw, Carsten
    Tazari, Mohammad-Reza
    The interaction between a technical system and the user is a main issue in information technology. In the field of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) this is even more important due to the physical or mental restrictions of the users. Explicitly controlling a technically heterogeneous environment like a living area can be very complicated (e.g. using remote controls with complex interfaces) or even physically annoying (e.g. searches remote controls or need to walk to a light switch). Thus, it is desirable to control the environment by simple pointing gestures or by using a centralized device. The base for this is a valid 3D representation of the environment including all required elements. In this paper, we present a new approach of an ontological representation of the real world and the dynamic service in-vocation according to this ontological 3D information. This concept is further described and validated by two application examples using a 3D GUI at a Tablet-PC and pointing gestures to control the AAL Space.
  • Publication
    universAAL - eine offene und konsolidierte AAL-Plattform
    ( 2011)
    Hanke, Sten
    Mayer, Christopher
    Hoeftberger, Oliver
    Boos, Henriette
    Wichert, Reiner
    Tazari, Mohammad-Reza
    Wolf, Peter
    Auf Grund von demographischen Entwicklungen hin zu einer alternden Gesellschaft werden AAL-Technologien und Anwendungen eine immer bedeutendere Rolle spielen. Zahlreiche nationale und internationale AAL-Projekte haben überwiegend zu proprietären Lösungen geführt, die nur schwer und mit großem Aufwand miteinander kombinierbar und integrierbar sind. Eine universelle und offene Plattform könnte ein Start für zukünftige Entwicklungen und eine Basis für die Integration standardisierter AAL-Services sein. Das Ziel des universAAL Projektes soll es sein, die Vorteile und Stärken von acht teilweise noch laufenden und abgeschlossenen FP6 und FP7 EU-Projekten zu kombinieren und eine universelle AAL-Plattform zu generieren. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf Interoperabilität und Standardisierung, um die Voraussetzungen zu schaffen, möglichst viele AAL-Anwendungen und Services zu integrieren und es ökonomisch attraktiv zu machen, individuelle AAL-Anwendungen zu generieren. Ziel des Projekts ist auch eine Community zu etablieren, die bereits während der Projektlaufzeit die Projektergebnisse nutzt bzw. eigene Komponenten beiträgt. Ein Software Store und Ressourcen, welche verschiedenste Betriebssysteme unterstützen, werden als Basis Entwicklern als auch Endanwendern bereitgestellt. Eine offene Gesellschaft (AALOA) soll die Interessen an AAL Lösungen verschiedenster Stakeholder zusammenführen und die Community bilden, die offene und standardisierte Komponenten auch über die Projektlaufzeit hinaus unterstützt.
  • Publication
    universAAL: An open platform and reference specification for building AAL systems
    ( 2011)
    Furfari, Francesco
    Tazari, Mohammad-Reza
    Eisemberg, Vadim
    universAAL is a European research project that aims at creating an open platform and standards which will make it technically feasible and economically viable to develop Ambient Assisted Living solutions. The project follows an open source license model and preliminary results are already available.