Publications Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 17
  • Publication
    Innovative Technologien für Seniorinnen und Senioren in Rheinland-Pfalz
    ( 2012)
    Steinbach, Silke
    Heintz, Matthias
    Trapp, Sonja
    Kerkow, Daniel
    Das vorliegende Dokument beschreibt die in Literatur- und Internetrecherchen analysierten und zusammengestellten Ergebnisse verschiedener Untersuchungen zur Technikakzeptanz von älteren Menschen zusammen. Zum Einen werden Daten zur aktuellen Techniknutzung durch die Zielgruppe der älteren Menschen dargestellt. Zum Anderen werden Bedürfnisse der Zielgruppe an die Unterstützung durch Technik im Allgemeinen reflektiert. Daraus abgeleitet werden Anforderungen an die Gestaltung älterengerechter Software und Hardware (Endgeräte) vorgestellt. Abschließend werden mehr als 50 technikbezogene Projekte aus Förderprogrammen der EU, des Bundes und einzelner Bundesländer beschrieben. Die Informationen geben einen Überblick über aktuelle Förderschwerpunkte, Forschungs- und Entwicklungsperspektiven. Nach einem abschließenden Resümee werden noch offene Fragen aufgezeigt und Handlungsempfehlungen gegeben, wie die Potentiale innovativer Technologien für die Lebenssituation von älteren Menschen nutzbar gemacht werden können.
  • Publication
    From business processes to software services and vice versa
    ( 2012)
    Adam, Sebastian
    Riegel, Norman
    Doerr, Joerg
    Uenalan, Oezguer
    Kerkow, Daniel
    Business processes need to be agile and flexible to help organizations stay competitive. For this purpose, SOA promises the reuse of already existing information system functionality for enabling enterprises to change the business processes more quickly. However, many promises made by SOA authors have not found their way into practice, because methodological guidance that constructively assures a more successful SOA application is still missing. In this article, service-oriented requirements engineering is therefore introduced as a discipline aiming at a better and more systematic handling and alignment of SOA and Business Process Management. Our industrial experience in this regard is also described.
  • Publication
    The fulfillment of user needs and the course of time in field investigation
    ( 2010)
    Nass, Claudia
    Kerkow, Daniel
    Jung, Jessica
    Business contexts represent a big challenge for software development, specifically in terms of finding a balance between business goals and users' goals. This context determines the utility of an application, but good user experience (UX) with business applications is only achieved if the software supports the fulfillment of users' goals and needs. This article presents the efforts realized in a call-center of a German telephone company aimed at enhancing UX and hence creating a positive influence on the emotional state of the users/employees. It describes a method applied for the elicitation of user needs as well as ideas for improving UX. Beyond that, the results indicate that software properties can influence the emotional state of the user if they support the fulfillment of human needs and thus positively affect the achievement of business goals.
  • Publication
    A creativity method for business information systems
    ( 2010)
    Kerkow, Daniel
    Adam, Sebastian
    Riegel, Norman
    Uenalan, Oezguer
    This paper presents procedural guidance for performing activities of creative problem-solving within systems engineering. We have applied this method in four case studies in different domains, slightly varying the techniques applied. This paper describes the experience gained and gives recommendations. Furthermore, the procedure integrates itself seamlessly into an overall systems development framework.
  • Publication
    Aligning business goals and user goals by engineering hedonic quality
    ( 2010)
    Klöckner, Kerstin
    Kohler, Kirstin
    Kerkow, Daniel
    Niebuhr, Sabine
    Nass, Claudia
    The following paper deals with quality properties that extend the traditional understanding of usability with its focus on the pragmatic aspects like efficiency and effectiveness on task performance in the context of business applications. The contribution of the approach is two folded. First: We show how psychological theories about motivation and creativity can bridge the gap between business goals and users' goals and attitude with interaction design. We introduce an engineering approach that allows to deliberately design for fun/joy in a given business context. Second: We show how to reuse the experience from former or other projects by describing the interaction design as pattern candidates. This approach has been applied successfully many times and we elaborate it in a case study conducted for one of our clients, including an empirical evaluation that shows an improved working behavior and increased user acceptance of the software.
  • Publication
    Aligning business goals and user goals by engineering hedonic quality
    ( 2010)
    Klöckner, Kerstin
    Kohler, Kirstin
    Kerkow, Daniel
    Niebuhr, Sabine
    Nass, Claudia
    The following paper deals with quality properties that extend the traditional understanding of usability with its focus on the pragmatic aspects like efficiency and effectiveness on task performance in the context of business applications. The contribution of the approach is tow folded. First: We show how psychological theories about motivation and creativity can bridge the gap between business goals and users' goals and attitude with interaction design. We introduce an engineering approach that allows to deliberately design for fun/joy in a given business context. Second: We show how to reuse the experience from former or other projects by describing the interaction design as pattern candidates. This approach has been applied successfully many times and we elaborate it in a case study conducted for one of our clients, including an empirical evaluation that shows an improved working behavior and increased user acceptance of the software.
  • Publication
    A creativity method for business information systems
    ( 2010)
    Kerkow, Daniel
    Adam, Sebastian
    Riegel, Norman
    Uenalan, Oezguer
    This paper presents procedural guidance for performing activities of creative problem-solving within systems engineering. We have applied this method in four case studies in different domains, slightly varying the techniques applied. This paper describes the experience gained and gives recommendations. Furthermore, the procedure integrates itself seamlessly into an overall systems development framework.
  • Publication
    IT capability-based business process design through service-oriented requirements engineering
    ( 2009)
    Adam, Sebastian
    Uenalan, Oezguer
    Riegel, Norman
    Kerkow, Daniel
    Besides goals and regulations, IT is also considered as a driver for business process development or evolution. However, as reuse becomes increasingly important in many organizations due to return of investment considerations, the available IT is not only an enabler but also a constraint for business process design. In this paper, we present a systematic approach that explicitly takes into account the capabilities of a (service-oriented) reuse infrastructure and that guides the business process design accordingly. An important element in our approach is the notion of conceptual services, which we have experienced as appropriate candidates for communicating the capabilities of a reuse infrastructure to business people.
  • Publication
    Mitarbeiter ins Boot holen
    ( 2008)
    Kerkow, Daniel
    Grützner, Ines
    Die Optimierung von Verwaltungsverfahren, internen Abläufen und Arbeitsaufgaben gehört in der öffentlichen Verwaltung zum Alltag. Dabei gehen organisatorische Änderungen oft Hand in Hand mit der Einführung neuer (IT-)Technologien. Modernisierungsvorhaben stehen jedoch immer vor dem Risiko, dass die neuen Prozesse und Technologien abgelehnt oder nicht in der gewünschten Weise umgesetzt bzw. genutzt werden. Die Verantwortlichen für solche Modernisierungsvorhaben haben also nicht nur die Aufgabe, neue Prozesse und Technologien im vorgegebenen Zeit- und Budgetrahmen einzuführen, sondern stehen auch vor dem Problem, den Widerstand der Mitarbeiter zu antizipieren und von Beginn an durch gezielte Maßnahmen die Veränderungsbereitschaft und Technologieakzeptanz bei den MitarbeiterInnen zu fördern.