Journal Article
Plasmonic tip based on excitation of radially polarized conical surface plasmon polariton for detecting longitudinal and transversal fields
We study experimentally the excitation of the radially polarized conical surface plasmon polariton (SPP) in a fully metal-coated conically tapered M-profile fiber which works as a "plasmonic tip" for the scanning near-field optical microscope (SNOM). This structure extends the Kretschmann configuration to the conical geometry. In this plasmonic tip, the radially polarized waveguide mode, propagating inside the fiber, resonantly excites the radially polarized SPP on the metal surface, which consequently gets confined at the apex where the field oscillates longitudinally along the tip axis. We also demonstrate the reverse process, where a longitudinal field excites the radially polarized SPP mode which then resonantly excites the radially polarized waveguide mode. This plasmonic tip combines the advantageous properties of near-field optical probes. Though, it has the shape of an apertureless SNOM tip, it can simplify the detection/excitation procedure and suppresses the background signal by its fiber-based design. Unlike the sharp apertureless SNOM tips that detects only the longitudinal field component or aperture SNOM tips that detect mostly the transversal component, the plasmonic tip detects both longitudinal and transversal field in collection mode and backward-scattering mode, respectively. The plasmonic tip, with further improvements, can become an advanced tool in SNOM due to its ability for background-free near-field detection, ease of operation, and higher conversion efficiency from far-field to near-field than conventional tips.