Conference Paper
A comprehenisve indicator set for measuring multiple benefits of energy efficiency
In this paper, we develop a quantitative indicator approach to measure multiple benefits of energy efficiency (MB-EE). The MB-EEs are classified into three groups: environmental, economic, and social-related MBs. The first group contains most relevant and direct aspects of energy efficiency such as energy savings and reduced GHG emissions. The second group comprises, among others, positive macro-economic impacts on economic growth, for innovation and competitiveness as well as import dependency. The third group of impacts covers aspects such as health benefits, poverty alleviation and employment. Quantitative knowledge on these MB-EE is, however, scattered and not easily accessible for the actors in the policy field. Spreading information on these benefits in an easily accessible way will contribute to the capacity building of the actors on these additional benefits. In order to achieve this goal, we develop a comprehensive quantitative indicator set consisting of 20 indicators covering the different aspects of MB-EE. We discuss the methodological approach to the indicators set, the underlying data sources and limitations. This indicator set is planned to be applied for 31 countries (EU28 plus Norway, Switzerland and Serbia) to provide a comprehensive tool of MB-EEs. This allows an in-depth comparison of developments and differences across Europe. The indicator set also supports the design of well-suited energy policies by taking into account, on an informed basis, more of the beneficial aspects of energy efficiency in future.