Conference Paper
Assessment of ATR algorithms
ATR algorithms have reached a state of development that makes it possible to integrate them into military image exploitation systems. Assessment of ATR algorithms is an essential step to perform prior to this integration. Assessment as a process involves the military user, the procurement authority, the ATR developer, data provider and the system integrator that builds up the exploitation system. The assessment is needed to confirm the efficiency of the algorithm under the operational conditions faced in the military application. This is achieved by a performance profile measurement that statistically analyses the algorithm performance as a function of varying conditions such as image quality and scenario boundary conditions. The performance profile reveals the specific strengths and restrictions of the algorithm under consideration. Another aim of the assessment is to quantify the algorithm benefit for the user of the exploitation system. Moreover, the performance analysis carried out during the assessment can give detailed hints for the system design. This contribution presents an assessment concept that takes into account the requirements on ATR assessment. Examples include the assessment of algorithms for the detection and classification of vehicles in infrared and SAR imagery as well as geo-coding algorithms.