Conference Paper
Autonomous unmanned merchant vessel and its contribution towards the e-Navigation implementation
Title Supplement
The MUNIN perspective
While IMO's e-Navigation project's scope is to enhance safety of navigation by improved ship-to-shorecooperation, the EU's FP7 project MUNIN's aim is to develop a concept for an autonomous dry bulk carrier, that is at least as safe as a manned vessel. As e-Navigation has a strong focus on improving the human element in shipping and MUNIN tends towards an unmanned bridge, a common baseline might look quite contradictory at first, but they share the need to ensure and enhance the safety of navigation. After an introduction into e-Navigation and the MUNIN project, this paper will demonstrate with two examples, how MUNIN's results address identified e-Navigation's gaps and addresses e-Navigation's user needs. Thus, MUNIN contributes to the development and implementation of the prioritized e-Navigation solutions.