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A conceptual framework and taxonomy of techniques for analyzing movement

2011 , Andrienko, Gennady , Andrienko, Natalia , Bak, Peter , Keim, Daniel A. , Kisilevich, S. , Wrobel, Stefan

Movement data link together space, time, and objects positioned in space and time. They hold valuable and multifaceted information about moving objects, properties of space and time as well as events and processes occurring in space and time. We present a conceptual framework that describes in a systematic and comprehensive way the possible types of information that can be extracted from movement data and on this basis defines the respective types of analytical tasks. Tasks are distinguished according to the type of information they target and according to the level of analysis, which may be elementary (i.e. addressing specific elements of a set) or synoptic (i.e. addressing a set or subsets). We also present a taxonomy of generic analytic techniques, in which the types of tasks are linked to the corresponding classes of techniques that can support fulfilling them. We include techniques from several research fields: visualization and visual analytics, geographic informa tion science, database technology, and data mining. We expect the taxonomy to be valuable for analysts and researchers. Analysts will receive guidance in choosing suitable analytic techniques for their data and tasks. Researchers will learn what approaches exist in different fields and compare or relate them to the approaches they are going to undertake.

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Challenging problems of geospatial visual analytics

2011 , Andrienko, Gennady , Andrienko, Natalia , Keim, Daniel A. , MacEachren, Alan M. , Wrobel, Stefan

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Geovisual analytics for spatial decision support

2007 , Andrienko, Gennady , Andrienko, Natalia , Jankowski, P. , Keim, Daniel A. , Kraak, M.-J. , MacEachren, Alan M. , Wrobel, Stefan

This article summarizes the results of the workshop on Visualization, Analytics & Spatial Decision Support, which took place at the GIScience conference in September 2006. The discussions at the workshop and analysis of the state of the art have revealed a need in concerted cross-disciplinary efforts to achieve substantial progress in supporting space-related decision making. The size and complexity of real-life problems together with their ill-defined nature call for a true synergy between the power of computational techniques and the human capabilities to analyze, envision, reason, and deliberate. Existing methods and tools are yet far from enabling this synergy. Appropriate methods can only appear as a result of a focused research based on the achievements in the fields of geovisualization and information visualization, human-computer interaction, geographic information science, operations research, data mining and machine learning, decision science, cognitive science, and other disciplines. The name 'Geovisual Analytics for Spatial Decision Support' suggested for this new research direction emphasizes the importance of visualization and interactive visual interfaces and the link with the emerging research discipline of Visual Analytics. This article, as well as the whole special issue, is meant to attract the attention of scientists with relevant expertise and interests to the major challenges requiring multidisciplinary efforts and to promote the establishment of a dedicated research community where an appropriate range of competences is combined with an appropriate breadth of thinking.