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Fraunhofer Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Alliance

2019 , Wrobel, Stefan , Hecker, Dirk

Big data is a management issue across sectors and promises to deliver a competitive advantage via structured knowledge, increased efficiency and value creation. Within companies, there is significant demand for big data skills, individual business models, and technological solutions. Fraunhofer assists companies to identify and mine their valuable data. Experts from Fraunhofers Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Alliance demonstrate how companies can benefit from an intelligent enrichment and analysis of their data.

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Spatial data mining in practice

2010 , Körner, Christine , Hecker, Dirk , Krause-Traudes, Maike , May, Michael , Scheider, Simon , Schulz, Daniel , Stange, Hendrik , Wrobel, Stefan

Almost any data can be referenced in geographic space. Such data permit advanced analyses that utilize the position and relationships of objects in space as well as geographic background information. Even though spatial data mining is still a young research discipline, in the past years research advances have shown that the particular challenges of spatial data can be mastered and that the technology is ready for practical application when spatial aspects are treated as an integrated part of data mining and model building. In this chapter in particular, we give a detailed description of several customer projects that we have carried out and which all involve customized data mining solutions for business relevant tasks. The applications range from customer segmentation to the prediction of traffic frequencies and the analysis of GPS trajectories. They have been selected to demonstrate key challenges, to provide advanced solutions and to arouse further research questions.

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Big Data in der Industrie - Vorsprung durch Wissen

2018 , Koch, Daniel Jeffrey , Hecker, Dirk

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Fraunhofer-Allianz Big Data

2018 , Wrobel, Stefan , Hecker, Dirk

Big Data ist branchenübergreifend ein Management-Thema und verspricht der Wirtschaft Vorsprung durch strukturiertes Wissen, mehr Effizienz und Wertschöpfung. In den Unternehmen gibt es einen hohen Bedarf an Big-Data- Kompetenzen, individuellen Geschäftsmodellen und technischen Lösungen. Fraunhofer unterstützt Unternehmen dabei, ihre Datenschätze zu identifizieren und zu heben. Experten der Fraunhofer-Allianz Big Data zeigen auf, wie Unternehmen von der intelligenten Anreicherung und Analyse ihrer Daten profitieren können.