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Publicationtanh Neurons are Bayesian Decision Makers( 2021)The hyperbolic tangent (tanh) is a traditional choice for the activation function of the neurons of an artificial neural network. Here, we go through a simple calculation that shows that this modeling choice is linked to Bayesian decision theory. Our brief, tutorial-like discussion is intended as a reference to an observation rarely mentioned in standard textbooks.
PublicationMax-Sum Dispersion via Quantum Annealing( 2019)We devise an Ising model for the max-sum dispersion problem which occurs in contexts such as Web search or text summarization. Given this Ising model, max-sum dispersion can be solved on adiabatic quantum computers; in proof of concept simulations, we solve the corresponding Schrödinger equations and observe our approach to work well.
PublicationA QUBO Formulation of the k-Medoids Problem( 2019)We are concerned with k-medoids clustering and propose aquadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) formulation of the problem of identifying k medoids among n data points without having to cluster the data. Given our QUBO formulation of this NP-hard problem, it should be possible to solve it on adiabatic quantum computers.