Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Supporting communication and cooperation in the asylum procedure with Blockchain technology - A proof of concept by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
    (BAMF, 2019)
    Fridgen, Gilbert
    Guggenmos, Florian
    Lockl, Jannick
    Rieger, Alexander
    Urbach, N.
    The proof of concept showed that the use of Blockchain technology could support cross-organisational communication and cooperation in the asylum procedure. In addition, Blockchain could provide an important foundation for the establishment of digital identities and allow an asylum seeker's procedure to be tracked based on this identity. Admittedly, not all applicable data protection regulations were fully implemented in the proof of concept. However, the findings gained as part of the project provide a promising basis for the development of a Blockchain-based solution for the asylum procedure that complies with data protection requirements. Moreover, the developed concept could scale beyond Germany's borders. Blockchain-based, transnational management of asylum procedures could therefore become a joint project of the European member states to strengthen cooperation while safeguarding federal structures. This means that Blockchain technology could be the start of digital federalism in Europe (including the asylum procedure).
  • Publication
    Unterstützung der Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit im Asylprozess mit Hilfe von Blockchain
    (BAMF, 2018)
    Fridgen, Gilbert
    Guggenmos, Florian
    Lockl, Jannik
    Rieger, Alexander