Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
  • Publication
    Ultrasonic and Eddy-current inspection of rail wheels and wheel set axles
    ( 2008)
    Rockstroh, B.
    Kappes, W.
    Walte, F.
    Kröning, M.
    Bessert, S.
    Schäfer, W.
    Schallert, R.
    Bähr, W.
    Joneit, D.
    Montnacher, J.
    Goetz, J.
    et al.
    As a means of transport, the railway is gaining in importance, and this has inspired a large number of innovations. International rail traffic, for example, and logistics solutions need to be improved, but technical safety must also be guaranteed, especially for high-speed trains. Reliability and availability of high-speed trains depends significantly on the quality of wheels, wheel sets and wheel set axles. There are, indeed, already a large number of national and international rules and regulations, for example on the inspection of wheels, wheel sets and tracks, which take this into account. European and - not least - Fraunhofer research together with industrial partners have assumed a leading role in this process, resulting in international demand for inspection systems developed in Europe. Having said that, the systems do need to be adapted to suit national specifications.
  • Publication
    Prüflinien für die Radsatzinstandhaltung und die Räder- oder Radreifenproduktion
    ( 2007)
    Rockstroh, B.
    Kappes, W.
    Walte, F.
    Kröning, M.
    Schallert, R.
    Berndt, D.
    Montnacher, J.
    Treppschuh, F.
    Knobloch, V.
    Köppe, P.
    Mickan, R.
    Richter, J.
    Kushnarev, A.
    Nosov, S.K.
    Kamardin, V.
    Smorodinskiy, Y.
    Pavros, K.
    Um die geforderte Qualität von Rädern, Radreifen, Radsätzen und Ringen nachzuweisen, sind u. a. Ultraschallprüfungen und Härtemessungen im Herstellungsprozess durchzuführen. Die Ultraschallprüfungen werden mittels automatischer Prüfanalgen im Unterwasserbetrieb durchgeführt. Fördersysteme und spezielle Softwaremodule zur Prüfdatenerfassung, Prüfdatenauswertung und Prüfdatendokumentation sind Bestandteile von Prüflinien in Radherstellwerken.
  • Publication
    Application of new front-end electronics for non-destructive testing of railroad wheel sets
    ( 2007)
    Kappes, W.
    Rockstroh, B.
    Bähr, W.
    Kröning, M.
    Rodner, C.
    Goetz, J.
    Nemec, D.
    For more than 6 years, the automated ultrasonic and eddy-current systems for the inspection of railroad wheel sets, developed by Fraunhofer IZFP and Fraunhofer TEG, have been field-hardened through daily operation at various maintenance facilities of the Deutsche Bahn (DB). The testing stations are equipped with IZFP's multi-channel electronics, a modular PC integrated system operating inside 19" rack-mounted industrial computers. Special requirements for new installations of stationary systems (AURA) and underfloor testing stations (UFPE) called for the development of state-of-the-art miniaturized front-end ultrasonic and eddy-current test instrumentation. This innovation offers new dimensions for the concept and design of such systems, including features providing effortless maintenance of the inspection systems. Due to the small size of the electronic modules they can be placed in close proximity to the transducer assembly. High-speed networking techniques ensure the transfer of all the acquired digital ultrasonic and eddy-current data from the frontend modules to the workstation responsible for data acquisition and analysis. The new front-end technology is applied for the testing stations of the latest generation. One example is a system installed at the DB plant Krefeld, specifically designed for the ultrasonic testing of ICE train drive wheels. The transducer assembly for wheel rim and disk inspection includes hot-swap modules with integrated UT front-end modules adapted to inspect specific wheel disk configurations. A second example represents testing equipment operating at the Süddeutsche Rail Service GmbH, Kaiserslautern. Ultrasonic and eddy-current front-end modules are responsible for the inspection of the wheel rim of disassembled wheel sets of freight cars. In addition to the wheel rim the solid axle is inspected in the same test stand using GE's Phased Array system. Miniaturized front-end modules are also advantageous for the inspection with the wheel sets installed at the train. The concept of such an underfloor testing system is outlined.
  • Publication
    Application of new front-end electronics for non-destructive testing of railroad wheel sets
    ( 2006)
    Kappes, W.
    Rockstroh, B.
    Bähr, W.
    Kröning, M.
    Rodner, C.
    Goetz, J.
    Nemec, D.
    For more than 6 years, the automated ultrasonic and eddy-current systems for the inspection of railroad wheel sets, developed by Fraunhofer IZFP and Fraunhofer TEG, have been field-hardened through daily operation at various maintenance facilities of the Deutsche Bahn (DB). The testing stations are equipped with IZFP's multi-channel electronics, a modular PC integrated system operating inside 19" rack-mounted industrial computers. Special requirements for new installations of stationary systems (AURA) and underfloor testing stations (UFPE) called for the development of state-of-the-art miniaturized front-end ultrasonic and eddy-current test instrumentation. This innovation offers new dimensions for the concept and design of such systems, including features providing effortless maintenance of the inspection systems. Due to the small size of the electronic modules they can be placed in close proximity to the transducer assembly. High-speed networking techniques ensure the transfer of all the acquired digital ultrasonic and eddy-current data from the front-end modules to the workstation responsible for data acquisition and analysis. The new front-end technology is applied for the testing stations of the latest generation. One example is a system installed at the DB plant Krefeld, specifically designed for the ultrasonic testing of ICE train drive wheels. The transducer assembly for wheel rim and disk inspection includes hot-swap modules with integrated UT front-end modules adapted to inspect specific wheel disk configurations. A second example represents testing equipment operating at the Süddeutsche Rail Service GmbH, Kaiserslautern. Ultrasonic and eddy-current front-end modules are responsible for the inspection of the wheel rim of disassembled wheel sets of freight cars. In addition to the wheel rim the solid axle is inspected in the same test stand using GE's Phased Array system. Miniaturized front-end modules are also advantageous for the inspection with the wheel sets installed at the train. The concept of such an underfloor testing system is outlined.
  • Publication
    New ultrasound testing systems for the production testing of rail wheels
    ( 2006)
    Rockstroh, B.
    Walte, F.
    Kappes, W.
    Bessert, S.
    Kröning, M.
    Schäfer, W.
    Dath, R.
    Ueblacker, B.
    Montnacher, J.
    Minich, F.
    Kushnarev, A.
    Kamardin, V.
    Smorodinsky, J.
    Previous standards for the manufacturing inspection of railroad wheels using ultrasound, such as UIC 812, have been replaced by new standards, for example EN 13262 and RD32.144-2000, both requiring ultrasonic testing in immersion technique. These new standards require the development of an ultrasonic technique for 100% coverage of the wheel rim and wheel hub, and in special cases for both straight and curved wheel disks. In order to encompass a large variety of railroad wheel designs, inspection and handling techniques should be capable of dealing with wheel diameters ranging from 600 mm to 1300 mm (23" to 51") at testing cycles from 1 to 4 minutes per wheel. The current requirement for the minimum detectable flaw size is DSR 1 mm (disc shape reflector, DSR, 1 mm diameter) for high-speed train wheels rims and DSR 2 mm for all other wheel rims. The minimum detectable flaw size for all other wheel areas (hub and disk areas) is DSR 3 mm. To meet all these criteria, the Rail Wheel Inspection (RWI) System was developed by IZFP and their partners. The system consists of an ultrasonic testing sub-system, immersion tank and transportation/handling sub-systems. Test cycles of 1 minute per wheel require two immersion tanks and two transportation/handling sub-systems. The ultrasonic sub-system features modular computer-aided 6 to 16-channel UT electronics (PCUS 11) to employ 6 to 16 ultrasonic transducers (the precise numer is determined by the testing procedure). This presentation paper offers descriptions of, and results from three of these systems that have been integrated into manufacturing processes at German and Russian wheel manufacturers, and provides details on the following topics: Wheel rim inspection, single-tank immersion technique, 4 minutes inspection cycle per wheel (Bochum, Germany) Wheel rim, hub and disc inspection, single-tank immersion technique, 2 minutes inspection cycle per wheel (Ilsenburg, Germany) Wheel rim, hub and disc inspection, dual-tank immersion technique, 1 minute inspection cycle per wheel (Nishny-Tagil, Russia).
  • Publication
    Ultraschallprüfsysteme für die Produktionsprüfung von Eisenbahnrädern
    ( 2006)
    Rockstroh, B.
    Walte, F.
    Kappes, W.
    Bessert, S.
    Kröning, M.
    Schäfer, W.
    Dath, R.
    Ueblacker, B.
    Montnacher, J.
    Minich, F.
    Kushnarev, A.
    Kamardin, V.
    Smorodinski, Y.
    Eisenbahnräder sind im Güter- und Personenverkehr hohen dynamischen Belastungen ausgesetzt. Der Hochgeschwindigkeitsverkehr von Eisenbahnen sowie der Transport von kostenintensiven und gefährlichen Gütern erfordern eine hochwertige Qualität von Eisenbahnrädern als wichtige Voraussetzung für den sicheren, störungsfreien Fahrbetrieb. Hochbelastete Räder müssen den Anforderungen der europäischen Norm EN 13262 entsprechen. Sie werden mittels Ultraschall geprüft.
  • Publication
    Neue Prüfsysteme für die Eisenbahnradprüfung und Radsatzwellenprüfung
    ( 2004)
    Kappes, W.
    Rockstroh, B.
    Walte, F.
    Bessert, S.
    Bähr, W.
    Montnacher, J.
    Goetz, J.
    Bartsch, T.
    Schuhmacher, S.
    Börner, U.
    Erhard, A.
    Barbian, O.-A.
    Herrmann, W.W.
    Schatto, H.-J.
    Seit mehr als 5 Jahren haben sich Radsatzprüfanlagen vom Typ AURA im harten Prüfbetrieb in den Instandhaltungswerken der Deutschen Bahn AG bewährt. Die Unterflurprüfeinrichtungen, UFPE, sind seit Frühjahr 2001 in mehreren ICE-Werken der DB AG erfolgreich im Einsatz /1-3/. Alle Anlagen sind mit der vom IZFP entwickelten Mehrkanal-Prüfelektronik PCUS 40 ausgestattet, die als PC-integriertes modulares System in 19" Industrierechnern eingesetzt wird, wobei für die Radsatzprüfsysteme bis zu 68 Prüfkanäle realisiert wurden. Neue Anforderungen bei neu zu beschaffenden stationären und Unterflurprüfeinrichtungen haben zur Entwicklung einer miniaturisierten Frontend-Ultraschallprüfelektronik geführt, die völlig neue Möglichkeiten für die Auslegung dieser Prüfsysteme und den Prüfservice bietet. Die Frontend-Elektronik kann auch für die technische Realisierung der schienenintegrierten Ultraschall-Überrollprüfanlage SUPRA zur Anwendung kommen, mit der die Räder von Hochgeschwindigkeitszügen bei Überfahrgeschwindigkeiten von 3 bis 5 km/h mit bis zu 1000 Ultraschallprüfköpfen geprüft werden sollen. Auch für den Bereich der fertigungsintegrierten Prüfung von Neurädern musste ein neues Konzept für die Ultraschallelektronik realisiert werden. Hier waren erhöhte Anforderungen an die Taktzeit die Motivation für eine Weiterentwicklung der einkanaligen Ultraschallkarte PCUS11 zu einem modularen Mehrkanalsystem mit der Möglichkeit zum Parallelbetrieb von US-Prüfkanälen.
  • Publication
    Unterflurprüfeinrichtung für ICE-Radsätze
    ( 2003)
    Rockstroh, B.
    Kappes, W.
    Goetz, J.
    Montnacher, J.
    Schüßler, M.
    Ettlich, R.
    Die Sicherheit im Bahnbetrieb ist die wichtigste Forderung an jedes Bahnunternehmen. Zum sicheren Bahnbetrieb gehört auch die regelmäßige Kontrolle der Radsätze auf Fehler, insbesondere bei Hochgeschwindigkeitsfahrzeugen. Zur Überprüfung der ICE-Radsätze wurde eine neue Unterflurprüfeinrichtung entwickelt.