Now showing 1 - 10 of 17
  • Publication
    Exploiting context information for identification of relevant experts in collaborative workplace-embedded e-learning environments
    ( 2007)
    Lokaiczyk, R.
    Godehardt, E.
    Faatz, A.
    Goertz, M.
    Kienle, A.
    Wessner, M.
    Ulbrich, A.
    This work introduces an approach to discover collaboration partners and adequate advising experts in a workplace-embedded collaborative e-learning environment. Based on existing papers dealing with work task and user context modelling, we propose the following steps towards a successful collaboration initiation. In the beginning, the user's current process task needs to be identified (1). Taking into account the knowledge about the current process, availability of experts as well as organizational and social distance, relevant experts regarding the actual work task of the learner are pre-selected by the environment (2). Depending on the pre-selection and users' preferences, the potential collaboration partners are displayed in an expert list (3). That way, the learner is able to initiate beneficial collaborations, whose transcripts are used to enhance the existing knowledge base of learning documents (4).
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  • Publication
    Towards UML-G: A UML profile for modelling groupware
    ( 2002)
    Rubart, J.
    Dawabi, P.
    Groupware is explicitly designed to support the cooperation among group members. The implementation of cooperation-aware groupware is supported by several object-oriented toolkits and frameworks, but there is no unified way to model applications built on top of these. We propose UML- G as an extensible UML profile for modelling groupware and want the community to contribute to it. We identify groupware specific modelling needs related to shared data modelling. Since these needs are not addressed by standard UML, we define UML-G's shared data modelling part. Usage scenarios demonstrate how UML-G can be used to assist groupware modelling. UML-G supports explicit modelling of groupware related needs. Moreover, a shared understanding between developers is backed, which abstracts from the implementation. In addition, CASE tool support for UML-G strengthens its practical relevance.
  • Publication
    A cooperative visual hypermedia approach to planning and conducting virtual meetings
    ( 2002)
    Wang, W.
    Haake, J.M.
    Rubart, J.
    Most distributed meeting support systems focus on meeting management and audio/video communication mechanisms. They provide little support for a flexible meeting process and a shared information space with structure- rich visual artifacts. A cooperative visual hypermedia system is developed to provide visual hypermedia artifacts for team members to manipulate in a distributed meeting. The visual hypermedia system is a hypermedia-based drawing system that integrates visual hypermedia artifacts and structures found in multiple hypertext domains. In addition, the visual hypermedia is integrated with process support for flexible meeting control and for easy setup of audio/video and application sharing communication channels. A use case is presented, which shows that using the cooperative visual hypermedia, distributed teams can perform many kinds of meetings, in the meantime, enjoying dedicated support for the planning, control, information management, and follow-up activities of a distributed meeting.
  • Publication
    EQUAL: Towards an inclusive design approach to novice programming languages and computing environments for native users
    ( 2002)
    Basawaraj, P.
    Maetzel, K.
    Neuhold, E.J.
    In the current textual programming languages (conventional, novice, etc.) and programming paradigms (e.g., procedural, declarative, functional etc.), the programming constructs, semantic concepts, and syntactic elements are based on English paradigm and implemented using ASCII character sets, seriously limiting the universal access to programming and computing skills. Especially, nonEnglish speaking native users (students, adults etc.) from nonEnglish speaking geographical regions, including visually challenged users, encounter serious cognitive, semantic and syntactic difficulties in understanding and translating their programming plans into the syntax and semantics of English based paradigm of a programming language. The authors have developed an inclusive, universal design framework with flexible cognitive, semantic and syntactic, and cultural adaptations in the textual languages and their compilers/interpreters to satisfy the computing requirements of native users.
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  • Publication
    Sicherheitsaspekte bei der Einsatzplanung von Microsoft Windows 2000
    ( 2001)
    Hollick, M.
    Rosenow, W.
    Bormuth, T.
    Steinmetz, R.
  • Publication
    Tailoring training courses using ML-based metadata
    ( 2001)
    Hollfelder, S.
    Stecher, R.
    Fankhauser, P.