Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
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Constraints-based query translation across heterogeneous sources for distributed information retrieval

2002 , Huang, L. , Thiel, U. , Hemmje, M. , Neuhold, E.J.

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Adaptively Constructing the Query Interface for Meta-Search Engines

2001 , Huang, L. , Thiel, U. , Hemmje, M. , Neuhold, E.J.

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ADMIRE: an adaptive data model for meta search engines

2000 , Huang, L. , Hemmje, M. , Neuhold, E.J.

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Distributed information search with adaptive meta-search engines

2001 , Huang, L. , Thiel, U. , Hemmje, M. , Neuhold, E.J.

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Adaptive web meta-search enhanced by contraint-based query constructing and mapping

2001 , Huang, L. , Thiel, U. , Hemmje, M. , Neuhold, E.J.

This paper introduces an adaptive method that can be used to construct the query user interfaces for the information integration systems (IIS) on the Web, and a constraint-based method for mapping queries from such IISs into the specific formats of heterogeneous Internet sources. The fuse of this research was ignited by witnessing that WWW information searching becomes harder and harder due to the tremendous development of the Internet and the explosive growth of digital information on the World Wide Web. Incorporating adaptive and constraints-coordinated mechanisms into an information integration system can overcome the diversity of heterogeneous sources and utilize the functionality of the individual sources to the fullest extent.

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ADMIRE: An Adaptive Data Model for Meta Search Engines

2000 , Huang, L. , Hemmje, M. , Neuhold, E.J.

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Qos Support for Video Conferencing in the COSMOS System

2001 , Meissner, A. , Huang, L. , Pommnitz, J. , Steinmetz, R.

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QoS Policy Framework and its Implementation

2000 , Huang, L. , Meissner, A. , Schönfeld, W. , Steinmetz, R.

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Constraints-based Query Translation across Heterogeneous Information Sources

2000 , Huang, L. , Thiel, U. , Hemmje, M. , Neuhold, E.J.