Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Capacity management for assembly systems with dedicated and reconfigurable resources
    ( 2014)
    Gyulai, Dávid
    Kádár, Botond
    Kovács, András
    Monostori, László
    Managing changes and disturbances resulted by fluctuating order streams and diverse product portfolios requires efficient capacity management decisions and production planning strategies. High volume products can be produced cost efficiently on dedicated assembly lines, while the assembly of low runners is more efficient on reconfigurable lines. In the paper a hierarchical planning decision workflow is introduced to assign the products to dedicated and reconfigurable lines, and to optimize the system configuration and the production plan of the reconfigurable system in an integrated way. The proposed solution is demonstrated through the results of an industrial case study.
  • Publication
    Robust production control against propagation of disruptions
    ( 2011)
    Tolio, Tullio
    Urgo, Marcello
    Váncza, József
    In hierarchical production control systems, planning decides on capacities and operations so as to meet demand, while scheduling should guarantee the execution of production plans even in face of uncertainties. The management practice advocates rolling horizon approaches despite the danger of plan nervousness. We propose a novel framework to handle uncertainties closer to the root of their sources, when scheduling local resources. The method keeps the complexity of planning and scheduling at bay and stops the propagation of local disruptions to other resources. The paper presents the theoretical model, the solution technique, and shows their applicability on a case study taken from the tool industry.