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Multi-perspective modelling of sustainability aspects within the industrial environment and their implication on the simulation technique

2011 , Rabe, M. , Jochem, R. , Weinaug, H.

Modelling is a broadly accepted analytic instrument and planning tool. Today, modelling is mainly applied for engineering and physics purposes and covers a short time horizon when compared to intergenerational justice. In parallel, sustainability is gaining increased importance for the industrial planning, because themes like global warming, child labour, and compliance with social and environmental standards have to be taken into account. Sustainability is characterized by comprehensively examining the three dimensions of economic, environmental, and social questions as well as their long-term perspective. Adequate indicators and an adaptation of modelling and simulation methods and procedures are necessary to evaluate the sustainability of industrial processes. A further challenge is the consideration of sustainability effects coming from the usual manufacturing process structure of a value creation network, in particular from cross-company cooperation and geographically distributed production. This article analyses the implications of those advanced tasks on the simulation technique and its application and proposes a conceptual framework for the modelling and simulation of such networks, which differentiates the effects of sustainability by the level of decision-making within enterprises.

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Simulation of sustainability aspects within the industrial environment and their implication on the simulation technique

2010 , Rabe, M. , Jäkel, F.-W. , Weinaug, H.

Simulation is a broadly excepted analytic instrument and planning tool. Today, industrial simulation is mainly applied for engineering and physical purposes and covers a short time horizon compared to intergenerational justice. In parallel, sustainability is gaining more importance for the industrial planning because themes like global warming, child labour, and compliance with social and environmental standards have to be taken into account. Sustainability is characterized by comprehensively examining the three dimensions economy, ecology and social questions as well as their long-term perspective. Adequate indicators and an adaptation of simulation methods and procedures are necessary to evaluate the sustainability of industrial processes. A further challenge is the consideration of sust ainability effects coming from the usual manufacturing process structure of a value creation network, in particular from cross-company cooperation and geographically distributed production. This article analyses the implications of those advanced tasks on the simulation technique and their application and proposes a conceptual framework for the simulation of such networks, which differentiates the effects of sustainability by the level of decision making within enterprises.

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Simulation von Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten im industriellen Umfeld und deren Auswirkungen auf die Simulationstechnik

2009 , Rabe, M. , Jäkel, F.-W. , Weinaug, H.

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Vorgehensmodell zur Verifikation und Validierung für die Simulation in Produktion und Logistik

2008 , Rabe, M. , Spieckermann, S. , Wenzel, S.

Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Simulation (ASIM) hat in ihrer Fachgruppe 'Simulation in Produktion und Logistik' eine Arbeitsgruppe zur Aufarbeitung des Themas Verifikation und Validierung' gegründet, das trotz der hohen Relevanz der Simulationstechnik für die Planung und den Betrieb von Produktions- und Logistiksystemen bisher eher eine untergeordnete Rolle zu spielen schien. Innerhalb dieser Arbeitsgruppe sind für die Verifikation und Validierung (V&V) tragfähige Begriffsdefinitionen, Übersichten über einzusetzende Techniken, praktische Hinweise zur Dokumentation und ein eigenes Vorgehensmodell zur V&V für die Simulation in Produktion und Logistik mit umfassenden Handlungshilfen entstanden. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeitsgruppe sind jetzt als Buch erschienen. Dieser Beitrag fasst wesentliche Ergebnisse der gemeinsamen Arbeiten zusammen, wobei zur Vertiefung jeweils auf Kapitel des entstandenen Buches verwiesen wird. Entnommen aus TEMA

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Prozessmanagement in der Fabrikplanung

2010 , Wintrich, N. , Rabe, M.

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Geschäftsprozesssimulation - Ergebnisse aus einem VDI-Richtlinienausschuss

2010 , Mutzke, H. , Rabe, M. , Wiener, K.

Simulation is an established method in the production and logistics (P&L) area. The German Engineers Association (VDI) has provided a set of guidelines (Series 3633), providing basic information, procedures, and templates. A work group founded in 2005 is amending the series by a consideration of business process simulation (BPS) in the P&L field. This paper summarizes some key results of the group and illustrates the benefits of BPS on two examples. The specific characteristics of business processes that influence the effort and constraints of BPW are discussed. Then, a procedure model is proposed that provides guidance from the needs initiating the BPS study through analysis and conceptual models to implemented simulation. The handling of data is discussed for this model, in order to enable parallel work (and thus accelerate the study), but also to clearly interlink the work on modelling and data acquisition and preparation.

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Verification and validation activities within a new procedure model for V&V in production and logistics simulation

2009 , Rabe, M. , Spieckermann, S. , Wenzel, S.

Verification and Validation (V&V) of simulation models have been strongly investigated in the context of defense applications. Significantly less substantial work can be found for applications in production and logistics, which is surprising when taking into account the massive impact that wrong or inadequate simulation results can have on strategic and investment-related decisions for large production and logistics systems. The authors have, therefore, founded an expert group for this specific topic in the year 2003. The major result of this expert group was the development of a specific procedure model for V&V in the context of simulation for production and logistics, which was documented in a book (in German) and summarized in a paper at the WSC'2008. This paper explains details of the approach, discussing the criteria to be applied when assessing the validity of a model, and providing examples how to conduct V&V with reference to these criteria.

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2010 , Rabe, M. , Knothe, T.

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The role of multi-disciplinary B2(B2B) networks in the "Future Enterprise"

2009 , Mihók, P. , Rabe, M. , Weinaug, H.

The "ERA Coordination Initiative in the field of Networked Enterprise" is a study, launched by DG INFSO, D4: Networked Enterprise & RFID Unit. One of the major inputs of the study is the interest towards an ERA-NET that would focus on "the Future Enterprise", a cross-thematic, cross-disciplinary and cross-sectoral research area of horizontal nature. In this paper the authors consider the challenges and the role of multi-disciplinary B2(B2B) networks in this research area. Some relations to the Advanced ICT for the Product Lifecycle" (AITPL) - a broader research area - are presented.

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Semantic Web Framework für die Modellierung und Simulation von Fertigungssystemen

2009 , Gocev, P. , Mertins, K. , Rabe, M. , Uhlmann, E.