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Integrierter Informationsfluß in der Fertigung. Belegarme Produktion in einem mittelständischen Maschinenbaubetrieb

1992 , Kuntze, M. , Eggers, A. , Geißler, W. , Mertins, K.

With growing complexity and variants of products there is a considerable increase in the information relations in production. Decentralized systems architectures are best suited to cope with these large amounts of data. The communication structures in production have to be organized as feedback control loops: Superior levels are supplied with condensed information, and subordinate levels are controlled and coordinated. This article describes such a control architecture and its practical application.

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Funktionale Spezifikation für ein Fertigungssystem

1987 , Mertins, K. , Eggers, A. , Flaus, W. , Unglert, U.

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Planung, Einfuehrung und Steuerung eines Fertigungssystems der mittleren Technologie

1983 , Spur, G. , Seliger, G. , Mertins, K. , Eggers, A. , Ganiyusufoglu, O.S.