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Steuerungsintegriertes Prozeßüberwachungssystem für Drehmaschinen

1999 , Suwalski, I.

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Spannkraftsensoren in Dreibackenfuttern. Spannkraftüberwachung unter Berücksichtigung der Krafteinleitung

1991 , Spur, G. , Stelzer, C.

Chucking force monitoring with consideration of forces and stresses in the jaw. The clamping force of chucks can be measured with wire strain gauges during the machining operation. In order to determine suitable measuring points, the deformation behaviour of base jaw and top jaw was examined with the finite element method. The calculated results and experimental investigations showed that the kind of force must be taken into consideration for the calibration of the sensors. This restriction is removed when the sensors are stressed at the clamping position above a defined load point. In this case the calibration can be carried out pendent from the load point.

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Von der Drehmaschine zum autarken Drehzentrum

1989 , Lehmann, W.R.

The development of the turning machine is characterized by an increasing degree of automation, capacity and flexibility. This is particularly true for the turning machines which have become self-sufficient turning centres with driven tools, the possibility of using multiple cutting dunctions, higher speed frequencies and tool and workpiece changing systems. Ergonomic and easy to operate control systems are just as important as systems for simulation and optimization of the munufacturing processes prior to real machining. The state of the art which has been achieved in this field meanwhile is documented by the VDI-Z-data base of turning machines comprising data of over 500 CNC turning machines. Evaluations of this data base - some examples given in this paper show some of the possibilities - can lead to valuable results both for munfacturers and users.

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Drehverfahren und Drehmaschinen. Jahresübersicht.

1992 , Abelein, G. , Feil, F. , Stelzer, C.

Turning machines account for the largest share of the market amongst metal cutting machine tools. The current state of the art of this machine category is hence a goot indicator for the general development tendencies in the machine tool sector. This market survey shows that the further development of the machine design-wise is characterized by the technological possibilities offered by new turning processes and by increasing requirements in terms of performance which are due to high stress resisting cutting material. Besides higher requirements for the individual assemblies such as drives, keyways and spindles which can be expressed in quantifyable increases of the output, there are also indications of a concept-wise change: beyond metal cutting complete machining new technologies are integrated, process flexibility as a supplement to kinematic flexibility as a supplement to kinematic flexibility. To be able to offer a spectrum of products to the market which from the point of automati on degree and flexibility permits a finely graduated cost effective manufacturing process for each spectrum of workpiece, flexibly configurable systems are offered by the manufacturers starting from the conventional turning machine down to the self-contained turning cell equipped with integrated process monitoring system.

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Marktübersicht Drehmaschinen

1989 , Jerissen, H.D. , Lehmann, W.R. , Schulte, H.J.

The State of the Art which has been achieved in turning machines and turning centres is documented. The data base comprising the data of over 500 CNC turning machines.

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Drehverfahren und Drehmaschinen. Fachgebiete in Jahresuebersichten

1984 , Lehmann, W.

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Einsatz mustererkennender Verfahren zur Prozeßüberwachung an Drehmaschinen

1992 , Kirchheim, A. , Nickolay, B.

The total investment of such high automatic processing systems normally increases with the development of CNC-turning machines in the direction of fully automatic turning cells. Thus the meaning of process controlling systems for the improvement of the degree of utilization grows. Therefore it is necessary to control the tools for the security and support of the manufacturing process online with regard to wear and break. The contribution shows how pattern recognition techniques can be used for process controlling of turning machines.

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Arbeitssicherheit an Drehmaschinen

1989 , Lehmann, W.R.

The development of the machine tools is characterized by an increasing degree of automation, capacity and flexibility. With higher speed frequencies and more links particulary in the tool system increase the requirements at the safety. For the workpiece system of a turning machine the determination of hazards and the reasons of them are described exemplary. Algorithm for calculating the energy of releasing elements are given. The use of constructive measures can prevent or reduce possible damage.

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Drehverfahren und Drehmaschinen. Fachgebiete in Jahresuebersichten. Tl.2

1984 , Lehmann, W.