Now showing 1 - 10 of 49
  • Publication
    Integrating model checking and model based testing for industrial software development
    ( 2019)
    Villani, E.
    Pontes, R.P.
    Coracini, G.K.
    Ambrosio, A.M.
    With the purpose of making the use of model based techniques in industrial software development more efficient, this work proposes the combined application of two verification techniques: model checking with UPPAAL and CoFI (Conformance and Fault Injection) model based testing with ConData. This combination is supported by ConTEA, a software tool for automatically connecting UPPAAL to ConData, and, therefore, explore both techniques simultaneously. We present the tool and discuss the use of ConTEA in two different development processes. The first process investigates how CoFI can contribute to identify gaps in the specification and implicit assumptions made by engineers when applying model checking. The second process focuses on how model checking can improve the development and verification of the models that are used for model based testing. The proposed processes were applied to three case studies. Based on them, we compare the proposed processes to the traditional CoFI and UPPAAL stand-alone processes. The results indicate that the combined use of the two verification technique contributes to the identification of a large range of diversified errors and problems early in the development cycle.
  • Publication
    Reference ontologies to support the development of global production network systems
    ( 2016)
    Palmer, C.
    Urwin, E.N.
    Pinazo-Sanchez, J.M.
    Sánchez Cid, F.
    Palacios Rodriguez, E.
    Pajkovska-Goceva, S.
    Marr Young, R.I.
    In competitive and time sensitive market places, organisations are tasked with providing product lifecycle management (PLM) approaches to achieve and maintain competitive advantage, react to change and understand the balance of possible options when making decisions on complex multi-faceted problems, global production networks (GPN) is one such domain in which this applies. When designing and configuring GPN to develop, manufacture and deliver product service provision, information requirements that affect decision making become more complex. The application of reference ontologies to a domain and its related information requirements can enhance and accelerate the development of new product-service systems with a view towards the seamless interchange of information or interoperability between systems and domains. This paper presents (i) preliminary results for the capture and modelling of end-user information, (ii) an initial higher level reference core ontology for the development of reference ontologies and (iii) the formal logical modelling of Level 1 of the FLEXINET reference ontology using a Common Logic based approach.
  • Publication
    Selbstorganisierende Produktion
    ( 2013)
    Uhlmann, E.
    Hohwieler, E.
    Kraft, M.
    Zukünftig sollen in der selbstorganisierenden Produktion mit verteilter Intelligenz die Objekte in der Produktion zusätzlich mit eigener Intelligenz ausgestattet werden und so Aufgaben der Koordination und Steuerung von Produktionsabläufen übernehmen können. Diese produktgesteuerte Fertigung sieht statt der bisherigen zentralen Planung und Steuerung ein Multiagentensystem mit der Möglichkeit zu Auktionen durch Verhandlungsmechanismen als Mittel zur Selbstorganisation vor. Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die im Projekt "Selbstorganisierende Produktion - SOPRO" verfolgten Ansätze bei denen Softwareagenten zwischen Aufträgen und Ressourcen zur Festlegung der Bearbeitungsreihenfolge verhandeln.
  • Publication
    Ressourcenschonender Einsatz von (Kühl)schmierstoffen
    ( 2012)
    Spielvogel, A.
    Langbein, J.E.
    Oberschmidt, D.
    Das Ziel einer nachhaltigen Produktion kann nur erreicht werden, wenn ganzheitliche Lösungen erzielt werden. Der Beitrag zeigt, wie effektives Fluidmanagement und Anlagendesign eingesetzt werden können, um den Einsatz von Schmierstoffen effizient und nachhaltig zu gestalten.
  • Publication
    Identity recognition-based correction mechanism for face tracking
    ( 2010)
    Stasiak, L.
    Vicente-Garcia, R.
    A system for parallel face detection, tracking and recognition in real-time video sequences is being developed. The particle filtering is utilized for the purpose of combined and effective detection, tracking and recognition. Temporal information contained in videos is utilized. Fast, skin color-based face extraction and normalization technique is applied. Consequently, real-time processing is achieved. Implementation of face recognition mechanisms within the tracking frame- work is used not only for the purpose of identity recognition, but also to improve the tracking robustness in case of multi-person tracking scenarios. In such scenarios, face-to-track assignment conflicts can often be resolved with the use of motion modeling. However, in case of close trajectories, motio n-based conflict resolution can be erroneous. Identity clue can be used to improve tracking quality in such cases. This paper describes the concept of face tracking corrections with the use of identity recognition mechanism, implemented within a compact particle filtering-based framework for face detection, tracking and recog- nition.
  • Publication
    Ganganalyse mit Tiefendaten
    ( 2010)
    Radmer, J.
    Krüger, J.
  • Publication
    A contour matching algorithm to reconstruct ruptured documents
    ( 2010)
    Stieber, A.
    Schneider, J.
    Nickolay, B.
    Krüger, J.
    A procedure for reassembling ruptured documents from a large number of fragments is proposed. Such problems often arises in forensic and archiving. Usually, fragments are mixed and take arbitrary shapes. The proposed procedure concentrates on contour information of the fragments and represents it as feature strings to perform a matching based on dynamic programming. Experiments with 500 images of randomly shredded fragments show that the proposed reconstruction procedure is able to compose nearly 98% of the ruptured pages.
  • Publication
    Interoperability supported by enterprise modelling
    ( 2005)
    Jaekel, F.W.
    Perry, N.
    Campos, C.
    Mertins, K.
    Chalmeta, R.
    The application of enterprise modelling supports the common understanding of the enterprise business processes in the company and across companies. To assure a correct cooperation between two or more entities it is mandatory to build an appropriate model of them. This can lead to a stronger amplification of all the cross-interface activities between the entities. Enterprise models illustrate the organisational business aspects as a prerequisite for the successful technical integration of IT systems or their configurations. If an IT system is not accepted because its usefulness is not transparent to the staff members, then it quickly loses its value due to erroneous or incomplete input and insufficient maintenance. This at the end results in investment losses. The paper exemplifies the strengths, values, limitations and gaps of the application of enterprise modelling to support interoperability between companies. It illustrates a proposal for a common enterprisemodelling framework. This framework is presented in terms of problems to face and knowledge based methodological approach to help solving them. A specific application demonstrates enterprise modelling and the synchronisation between the models as prerequisite for the successful design of Virtual Enterprises.
  • Publication
    SELaKT - Social network analysis as a method for expert localisation and sustainable knowledge transfer
    ( 2004)
    Mueller-Prothmann, T.
    Finke, I.
    In many organisations, conservation of specialised expertise is picked out as a central theme only after experienced members have already left. The paper presents the SELaKT method, a method for Sustainable Expert Localisation and Knowledge Transfer based on social network analysis (SNA). It has been developed during a project co-operation between the Department of Information Science at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Free University Berlin, and the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK, Berlin. The SELaKT method uses recent insights into network analysis and pragmatically adapts SNA to suit organisational practice. Thus it provides a strategic tool to localise experts, to identify knowledge communities and to analyse the structure of knowledge flows within and between organisations. The SELaKT method shows its advances and increasing relevance for practical use by integration of specific organisational conditions and requirements into the process of analysis.
  • Publication
    Benutzernahe Modellierung und Modellaustausch mit UEML
    ( 2004)
    Mertins, K.
    Knothe, T.
    Zelm, M.