Now showing 1 - 10 of 14
  • Publication
    Portable hands-free process assistant for gas turbine maintenance
    ( 2016) ;
    Woll, Robert
    Stark, Rainer
    This paper presents how smart glasses and voice commands can be used for improving the maintenance process of industrial gas turbines. It presents the process of inspecting a gas turbine's combustion chamber and how it is currently performed using a set of paper-based documents. In order to improve this process, a portable hands-free process assistance system has been conceived. In the following, it will be presented how the approach of user-centered design and the method of paper prototyping have been successfully applied in order to design a user interface and a corresponding workflow model that describes the possible interaction patterns between the user and the interface. The presented evaluation of these results suggests that the assistance system could help the user by rendering multiple manual activities obsolete, thus allowing him to work hands-free and to save time for generating protocols.
  • Publication
    Quality evaluation of image recording strategies for limited angle tomography
    ( 2010)
    Stopp, F.
    Winne, C.
    Jank, E.
    Keeve, E.
    In this paper we propose a new method for evaluating image recording strategies for limited angle tomography. In limited angle tomography exact three-dimensional (3-D) reconstruction is not achievable. With this method a metric for the reachable reconstruction quality by defined X-ray source trajectories is calculated. The result of our method is independent of reconstruction algorithms. Our approach is based on the gradients of the scanned volume and their grade of determinability. Compared to simulated reconstruction accuracy with simultaneous algebraic reconstruction techniques, the method of evaluation shows the same dependencies on X-ray source trajectories. By using the proposed method different source trajectories for a limited angle range are comparable with respect to the reachabl e reconstruction quality.
  • Publication
    Das zweite Skelett des Menschen
    ( 2008)
    Fleischer, C.
    Exoskelette sind Geräte, die Bewegungen des menschlichen Körpers durch zusätzlichen Krafteinsatz unterstützen. Die Bewegungsabsicht wird durch Sensoren auf der Haut über den Muskeln anhand von elektromyographischen (EMG-)Signalen, die infolge der Muskelaktivierung abgestrahlt werden, erkannt. Ein Computer ermittelt nach einem Modell daraus die vom Menschen aufgebrachten Kräfte. Durch den Antrieb des Exoskeletts wird die mit einem Faktor multiplizierte Kraft zur Unterstützung der Bewegung beigefügt und so eine bis 50%ige Entlastung bewirkt. Für den zivilen Einsatz des Kraftverstärkers sind weitere Entwicklungen in Richtung Ausgestaltung und Handhabung erforderlich. Entnommen aus TEMA
  • Publication
    Am Nerv des Fortschritts
    ( 2006)
    Spur, G.
  • Publication
    Die Berliner Schule der Psychotechnik
    ( 2001)
    Spur, G.
    Voglrieder, S.
  • Publication
  • Publication
    Automatische Texturanalyse
    ( 1996)
    Nickolay, B.
    Teunis, M.
  • Publication
    Glasfasernetze in der industriellen Produktion
    ( 1991)
    Linnemann, H.
    In general CIM is mainly concerned with a system technology that provides the integration of all computer supported activity-controls and -sequences. There are two outstanding characteristics to be pointed out: - the access to all information neccessary to accomplish a specific task, - the information flow from one computer device to another and across all other nodes that are involved in that task. In the framework of the interdisciplinary research-programme TUBKOM first provisions are made with respect to these characteristics by installation of a FDDI-based broadband communication system with 100 Mbit/s transmission-rate. This TUBKOM-research-network will serve to explore fundamentals in CIM-communication- and informationtechnologies as well as to demonstrate progressive CIM-solutions. The domain of production technology is significantly participating and contributing to the following non exhaustive list of workareas and -items: CIM-architectures and modelling, integrating servicein frastructure, networks and application oriented protocoll-layers as well as setup, operation and demonstration of applications.
  • Publication