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Multi level network management - A method for managing inter-organizational innovation networks

2019 , Cap, J.-P. , Blaich, E. , Kohl, H. , Raesfeld, A. von , Harms, R. , Will, M.

Collaboration in inter-organizational networks is a major driver of innovation. Nevertheless, methods that practitioners can rely upon for managing innovation networks are still scarce. This research fills this gap by providing an approach that increases innovation output by intensifying collaboration in networks. An action research methodology with two cycles of action was adopted. The first cycle develops a method of network assessment designed to evaluate a network's collaboration potential. The second cycle iteratively builds on the first cycle and extends the method by a managerial approach to network management on an individual level.

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Knowledge modelling for rule-based supervision and control of production facilities

2008 , Schreck, G. , Lisounkin, A. , Krüger, J.

The technological complexity of modern production facilities and the increasing demands on operation procedures result in new tasks and requirements for automation solutions and operating staff qualification. On the one hand, supervision and control systems must assign tasks which have been carried out by operators - e.g. operative planning of resources, scheduling of maintenance, operation tuning. On the other hand, the operating principles and techniques must become more objective; operating experience and knowledge should be more easily collected, conserved and disseminated. The general objective of this paper is to develop methods and techniques for these issues. The studied approach is based on integrated use of several formalizations of facility operation knowledge - mathematical modelling, data-driven methods, and scenario-oriented supervision and control routines. Here, facility events in the past are classified by means of Data Mining. Cause-and-effect relations between process states and phenomena are expressed by equations. Facility operation routines are modelled in the form of 'if-then' scenarios. The functional chain, which begins with operator knowledge acquisition and moves to knowledge and facility modelling and finally to their integration into a real Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system, have been implemented and tested for a water treatment and supply plant. Entnommen aus TEMA

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Von den Besten abkupfern

2002 , Kohl, H.

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Auch aus weiter Ferne dem Fehler auf der Spur

1997 , Krüger, J. , Neubert, A.

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Markt- und Trendanalyse Laserstrahlschmelzen 2010

2011 , Uhlmann, E. , Urban, K.

Nicht nur die vielfältigen funktionsbezogenen Anforderungen von Produkten und Bauteilen, sondern vor allem die heutigen Marktbedürfnisse stellen große Herausforderungen für aktuelle Fertigungstechnologien dar. Hierbei bildet die kontinuierlich steigende Variantenvielfalt bei gleichzeitiger Senkung der Stückzahlen je Variante die differenzierten Kundenwünsche ab. Diese Entwicklungen begünstigen die Perspektiven des Laserstrahlschmelzens im Allgemeinen sowie seiner speziellen Anwendungsgebiete Rapid Prototyping, Rapid Tooling und Rapid Manufacturing. In den Branchen der Medizintechnik und der Gummi- und Kunststoffverarbeitung ist bereits seit einiger Zeit eine dynamische Entwicklung erkennbar. Besonders in der Medizintechnik wird der immer breitere Einsatz des Laserstrahlschmelzens durch die hohe Innovationsfähigkeit des Verfahrens und ein verbesserstes Qualitätsmanagement vorangetrieben. Aufgrund der zunehmenden Forderungen nach individualisierten und individuellen Produkten werden bereits heute patientenangepasste Implantate mit dem Laserstrahlschmelzverfahren gefertigt. Erwarten die Marktteilnehmer eine weiterhin steigende Nachfrage nach solchen Produkten? Wie muss das Verfahren verbessert werden, um seine Prozessstabilität zu erhöhen? Wo liegen die zukünftigen Herausforderungen in der Strahlschmelztechnologie? Um diese und weitere Fragen zu klären hat das Fraunhofer Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik (IPK) eine Markt- und Trendanalyse für das Laserstrahlschmelzen durchgeführt.

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Potenziale und Herausforderungen für die spanende Fertigungstechnik

2008 , Uhlmann, E. , König, J.

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Capacity assignment of virtual manufacturing cells by applying lot-size harmonization

2000 , Mertins, K. , Friedland, R. , Rabe, M.

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Der Mikrokosmos eines Lidschlags

2008 , Klein, M. , Oberschmidt, D.

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Digitale Unterschrift sichert interne Prozessabläufe

2004 , Menevidis, Z. , Lochmeier, L.

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Capacity assignment of virtual manufacturing cells by applying lot size harmonization

2000 , Mertins, K. , Friedland, R. , Rabe, M.

Decentralized manufacturing cells minimize the lead time of products. However, technical and economical restrictions can prohibit the installation of permanent cells. A possibility to overcome these restrictions is 'virtual manufacturing cells'. These cells are defined by production teams who are responsible for the complete process of a group of products. Unlike permanent cells, the layout can be kept in a workshop structure. This results in a double competition between the orders and between production teams for the use of capacities. A new approach to solving this double competition is to limit the occupation time of capacity units. Combined with alternating access to resources by the production teams, this ensures a clearly defined order sequence. A successful way to achieve the limitation of occupation time is the harmonization of lot sizes. This analytical method should be supported by simulation to consider the dynamic behaviour. The authors have developed a simu lation reference model to limit the expense of simulation studies for this purpose.