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Laserstrahlhybridschweissen von Türmen für Windkraftanlagen - Ökonomische und ökologische Vorteile

2023-12-19 , Üstündag, Ömer , Bakir, Nasim , Brunner-Schwer, Christian , Knöfel, Frieder , Gook, Sergej , Gumenyuk, Andrey , Rethmeier, Michael

Das Laserstrahlhybridschweißen ist beim Schweißen von Türmen für Windkraftanlagen eine Alternative zum Unterpulver schweißen von Dickblechen in Mehrlagentechnik und bietet hier ökonomische und ökologische Vorteile. Der industrielle Einsatz des Verfahrens ist jedoch durch prozessspezifische Herausforderungen eingeschränkt. Die im Beitrag beschriebene kontaktlose elektromagnetische Badstütze dient zur Erweiterung des Verfahrenspotenzials im Dickblechbereich >15 mm.

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Progress for Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment by Means of Digital Lifecycle Twins - A Taxonomy

2021 , Riedelsheimer, Theresa , Neugebauer, Sabrina , Lindow, Kai

To understand and optimize the impact of a product along its lifecycle, the consideration of social, economic and environmental factors is of increasing interest for customers and regulating institutions. In this context, Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) is used to monitor and understand the trade-offs of the three sustainability dimensions. Today, LCSA still faces major challenges, such as availability, actuality and validity of data or consistent and appropriate measures to support Design for Sustainability. New technological innovations may support the enhancement of the methodology. In the background of a digitized product and service lifecycle, especially Industry 4.0 technologies, Digital Twins and the integration of Artificial Intelligence may solve data and feedback challenges through new ways of data collection, transfer, validation and intelligent analysis. This paper aims at exploring this potential of new technological innovations for an enhanced LCSA of capital goods and durable consumer goods as well as related services and proposes a taxonomy. Therefore, a literature review to identify existing digital solutions and research gaps is established. For the identified gaps, a new concept, the Digital Lifecycle Twin for LCSA is presented. The authors address both, the positive but also the negative implications put on the LCSA framework from a sustainability perspective. Ultimately, these findings will contribute to the enhancement of the LCSA methodology as well as to the design of a support system to enable environmentally and socially sound design of products and services.

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2020 , Hirsch-Kreinsen, Hartmut , Schumann, Monique , Scholz, Julia-Anne , Batzer, Jan , Gering, Patrick

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2020 , Rimmelspacher, Sven O. , Kayser, Marco , Batzer, Jan , Gering, Patrick

In diesem Kapitel wird zunächst ein Ausblick aus Perspektive der Anwender und technischen Partner gegeben, eine Prognose darüber, was sich für KMU und den Meister durch JUMP 4.0 ändern wird. Im Anschluss wird ein Ausblick aus Perspektive der Forschung erfolgen, in dem die aktuellen Themen und Schwerpunkte hinsichtlich Industrie 4.0 in KMU aufgezeigt werden.

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The Digital Twin for Operations, Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul

2023 , Lünnemann, Pascal , Fresemann, Carina , Richter, Friederike

Looking at digital twins in terms of their information sets (master and shadow models), a significant part of the shadow models is created in the context of product life. Digital twins must be designed accordingly, focusing on their dedicated added value or business model. This concerns not only the information and data models, but also the communication technologies, processing routes and interaction mechanisms used. With appropriately designed digital twins, product life becomes a source of knowledge for optimizing or tracking product systems. MRO processes play a special role in this. Here, the digital twin becomes a monitoring system, information source, process manager or information sink through suitable functions and thus a potential knowledge repository.

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Prozessmanagement für KMU

2020 , Oertwig, Nicole , Gering, Patrick , Knothe, Thomas

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Integrated strategy development based on intangibles

2020 , Will, Markus

The development towards a knowledge-based economy has already progressed so far that intangible resources already have, in many cases, a greater influence on business success than classical material production factors. In the context of the digital economy, this challenge becomes even more important as competitive differentials on a globalized market will increasingly rely on intangible features rather than ""hard"" product functionality or price only. The method ""Integrated Strategy Development"" (ISD) aims at enabling small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to design strategies for the development of their business model, systematically integrating the necessary qualitative aspects of intangible assets to meet the needs of the knowledge-based and digital economy. The ISD model has been tested and used in various application contexts where it has proven to be of practical benefit in the strategy definition and the respective implementation planning and monitoring in European SMEs from various business sectors. Incremental adaptations of the method were used in further application contexts including the strategic planning and evaluation of applied research institutes in Brazil. The article concludes with further application and development potential of the ISD method for the digital economy.

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Historical Paper Documents

2023 , Rögner, Frank-Holm , Schottner, Gerhard , Grählert, Wulf , Gruber, Florian , Fuchs, Theobald , Hügle, Johannes

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Modellierung mit MO²GO und Erzeugung eines IEC-konformen Datenoutputs

2020 , Schweizer, Hartmut , Gering, Patrick

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Kooperation und Kollaboration mit Schwerlastrobotern - Sicherheit, Perspektive und Anwendungen

2020 , Surdilovic, Dragoljub , Bastidas Cruz, Arturo , Haninger, Kevin , Heyne, Philipp

Kollaborative Roboter mit hoher Nutzlast stehen vor Herausforderungen beim mechatronischen Design und der Definition von Rollen zwischen Mensch und Roboter. Die ersten in zahlreichen Forschungsprojekten entwickelten Prototypen der kollaborativen Schwerlastroboter haben gezeigt, dass solche Roboter dem Menschen bei der Handhabung von Schwerlasten enorm helfen, und ihn dadurch vor gesundheitsschädlichen Arbeitsbelastungen schützen. Durch leistungsstarke Sensorik und fortgeschrittene Steuerungstechnik wird diese Aufgabe machbar. Dabei ist es auch möglich, die strengen Bedingungen der Sicherheitsstandards, wie bei kleinen Robotern, zu erfüllen und Sicherheit der Menschen trotz höherer Trägheit des Roboters und höherer Lasten zu gewährleisten. In diesem Beitrag werden diese Herausforderungen im Kontext mehrerer Taxonomien der Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration und industrieller Anwendungen analysiert und erklärt.