Now showing 1 - 10 of 17
  • Publication
    Design alternatives for internationally distributed learning factories in global production engineering
    ( 2020)
    Schumacher, Bastian C.
    Steinbach, Anja
    Vi, Nguyen H.
    Yükseltürk, Ahmet
    ; ;
    Quoc, Huy Nguyen
    An internationally distributed learning factory (IDLF) provides opportunities to make students aware of intercultural challenges in global production networks. An IDLF is a scalable network of learning factories with value creation processes in spatially distributed locations. It enables collaboration and competition between student groups in distant locations and considers manual and automatic process methods. Due to the high number of design alternatives for IDLFs, a systematic approach for describing attractive characteristics is required. This paper shows design alternatives for IDLFs structural and process organization on the example of learning factories in Germany, Turkey and Vietnam.
  • Publication
    Decentralised identification of used exchange parts with a mobile application
    Sustainable product development and use requires an extended life cycle of used and defective mechanical parts. Remanufacturing saves resources and helps the industry to utilise the product more efficiently. Reverse logistics is one of the most important challenges towards efficient remanufacturing. To improve this process, we propose an on-site part identification at the workshops. A fast on-site identification is essential for assisting repair shop personnel and saving time on searching for the right spare parts. Based on images taken by a mobile device our application provides various machine vision services, e.g., visual identification of used parts, already successfully tested in a sorting facility for remanufacturing parts. The mobile application provides a robust visual identification for different environments. We show that enhancing data for machine vision approaches with images from decentral sensors, i.e., mobile devices, leads to an improved identification accuracy.
  • Publication
    Serious Game on Factory Planning for Higher Education
    ( 2020)
    Severengiz, Mustafa
    Seliger, Günther
    Research has shown that student-centered classes are a promising approach to enhance learning. Even though this is well known, classes are often still designed in teacher-centered classes like lectures. However, lectures do not promote desired higher cognitive levels, which are needed for tackling the complex, all-embracing sustainability challenge. One promising approach to go for these higher levels is the usage of serious games. In this paper Factory Planner, a serious game on the VDI 5200 regarding factory planning, is presented. Factory Planner is a board game enhanced by an application. The game was evaluated with a pre- and post-game test measuring the knowledge gains at a bachelor's class. Further, a survey filled out by the students was conducted, which indicates a positive effect of Factory Planner on addressed learning goals and on students' motivation towards factory planning.
  • Publication
    Roboterprogrammierung vereinfachen
    Roboterprogrammierung ist trotz allen Weiterentwicklungen in der Steuerungstechnik und Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion immer noch ein kompliziertes Problem und dementsprechend kostspielig. Gerade in kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen stehen daher dem Robotereinsatz hohe Hürden gegenüber. Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit Möglichkeiten die Roboterprogrammierung - unter Zuhilfenahme von verschiedenen erweiterten Realitäten - zu vereinfachen und zu beschleunigen.
  • Publication
    Augmented learning for industrial education
    ( 2020)
    Menn, Jan Philipp
    Severengiz, Mustafa
    Lorenz, Andrea Katherija
    Wassermann, Jonas
    Ulbrich, Carsten
    Seliger, Günther
    An efficient learning environment is required to cope with today's increasing innovation speed. Companies need methods and tools to transfer knowledge to employees in a fast way. Learners' cognitive focus should be shifted towards learning at the learning object, instead of transferring information from teaching material to the real world. Current learning environments are mostly incapable to merge physical learning tools with digital content at its point of use; therefore, the learner has to do it. Augmented reality offers the opportunity to show learning content directly on physical objects and to interact with it. Within this paper, two approaches on how to use augmented reality for teaching purposes are shown. One is for special machinery assembly of turbomachinery and the other for cocoa liquor production.
  • Publication
    A practical approach to reduce energy consumption in a serial production environment by shutting down subsystems of a machine tool
    ( 2019)
    Can, Alperen
    Thiele, Gregor
    Fisch, J.
    Klemm, C.
    Energy efficiency in production is becoming increasingly important for the automotive industry, motivated by political regulations and competitiveness. Many theoretical approaches to achieve an efficient production via advanced control have only been tested in experimental environments. Important for the transfer into serial production is the proof that all requirements (e.g. quantity and quality) will be met. For ensuring production on demand, machine tools (MT) imitate the real production process to keep themselves at operating temperature. All subsystems of a MT operate at full power in this state, disregarding its necessity. Shutting down these subsystems during non-productive periods is a promising approach for saving energy. This paper will present a method for shutting down components during non-productive periods, while ensuring the ability to produce on demand. Successful tests were already performed during live operation in a plant of a car manufacturer in Berlin, Germany.
  • Publication
    Deep learning for part identification based on inherent features
    The identification of parts is essential for the efficient automation of logistic processes such as part supply in assembly and disassembly. This paper describes a new method for the optical identification of parts without explicit codes but based on inherent geometrical features with Deep Learning. The paper focusses on the improvement of training of Deep Learning systems taking into account conflicting factors such as limited training data and high variety of parts. Based on a case study in turbine industry the effects of steadily growing training data on the robustness of part classification are evaluated.
  • Publication
    Affordance Based Approach to Automatic Program Generation for Industrial Robots in Manufacturing
    Due to the increasing demand for flexible and low-cost production, manufacturing solutions involving human robot interaction have become much sought-after. Robotic manufacturers meet the demand with a rising number of low cost robots specifically designed around safety and usability. However, the programming is still based on a tool centric teach-in. This paper discusses an affordance based approach for process programming in industrial manufacturing. Using low level feature detection and a consecutive evaluation, a fast programming method for industrial applications is presented. The paper presents the concept and a prototypic implementation for a welding process. Using the affordance detection, the system is able to identify relevant seams based on an image of the work space. The identified seams are then presented to the user for review with the means of augmented reality. Lastly, the system derives a welding program based on the detected seams. First experiments show promising results concerning programming speed and path accuracy for different work piece shapes and task definitions. Finally, based on the experience gained with the prototype, the outlook discusses the possibilities and further fields for future work.
  • Publication
    Human robot collaboration - using kinect v2 for ISO/TS 15066 speed and separation monitoring
    ( 2018)
    Rosenstrauch, Martin J.
    Pannen, Tessa J.
    The use of industrial robots within assembly workstations where human and robot should be able to collaborate or even cooperate involve high safety requirements. One out of four possibilities outlined in the current technical specification ISO/TS 15066 for ensuring safety is speed and separation monitoring. Here the robot motion speed in- or decreases dynamically depending on the distance between operator and robot. This paper introduces an approach of a speed and separation monitoring system with the help of a time of flight sensing. After introducing this safety ensuring method, a Microsoft Kinect V2 is used to continuously detect human worker within a shared workspace. With the help of the robots joint angles from the robot control it is possible to compute the distances between all robot joints and the human worker. The shortest distance, which is at the same the critical distance time, is determined and as a consequence the velocity and acceleration values of the robot were set to safe values according to ISO/TS 15066. As it is not necessary to visually detect also the robot, but only human workers, this approach is very resilient. Afterwards the introduced setup is tested by a real detected human in front of a Kinect and a simulated industrial robot (Universal Robot UR5) in the robot operating system ROS. Measurements show that depending on the position of the worker the robots speed adapts to recommended safety values up to a complete halt if necessary. Conclusively all results are discussed and an outlook for possible fields of applications is given.
  • Publication
    CareJack - die intelligente Softorthese zur Ergonomieunterstützung
    Stressful physical activities are main reason for back pain, shoulder lesions and disc damage. These are the three main reasons for disability. ""CareJack"", a smart soft orthosis presented in this article, represents a novel approach to improve the workplace situation through automated real-time ergonomic analysis and assessment in order to indicate unergonomic movements or body poses to the user. The system is based on integrated movement measurement sensors, intelligent real-time movement data analysis algorithms and an embedded vibration feedback module.