Now showing 1 - 10 of 116
  • Publication
    Numerical investigation into cleanability of support structures produced by powder bed fusion technology
    ( 2022)
    Campana, Giampaolo
    Mele, Mattia
    Raffaelli, Luca
    Bergmann, André
    Purpose: Support structures used in laser powder bed fusion are often difficult to clean from unsintered powder at the end of the process. This issue can be significantly reduced through a proper design of these auxiliary structures. This paper aims to investigate preliminary the airflow within differently oriented support structures and to provide design guidelines to enhance their cleanability, especially the depowdering of them. Design/methodology/approach: This study investigates the cleanability of support structures in powder bed fusion technology. Digital models of cleaning operations were designed through computer-aided engineering systems. Simulations of the airflow running into the powder entrapped within the thin walls of auxiliary supports were implemented by computational fluid dynamics. This approach was applied to a set of randomly generated geometrical configurations to determine the air turbulence intensity depending on their design. Findings: The resul ts, which are based on the assumption that a relationship exists between turbulence and powder removal effectiveness, demonstrated that the maximum cleanability is obtainable through specific relative rotations between consecutive support structures. Furthermore, it was possible to highlight the considerable influence of the auxiliary structures next to the fluid inlet. These relevant findings establish optimal design rules for the cleanability of parts manufactured by powder bed fusion processes. Originality/value: This study presents a preliminary investigation into the cleanability of support structures in laser powder bed fusion, which has not been addressed by previous literature. The results allow for a better understanding of the fluid dynamics during cleaning operations. New guidelines to enhance the cleanability of support structures are provided based on the results of simulations.
  • Publication
    Wolframschmelzcarbidbasierte MMC-Schichten für den industriellen Einsatz im Formenbau
    ( 2022)
    Langebeck, Anika
    Jahnke, Christian
    Wünderlich, Tim
    Bohlen, Annika
    Zur Steigerung der abrasiven Verschleißbeständigkeit können Oberflächen lokal mit Hartpartikeln verstärkt werden. Diese sogenannten Metal-Matrix-Composit(MMC)-Schichten können mittels Laserstrahldispergieren gefertigt und durch Mikrofräsen nachbearbeitet werden. Im hier vorgestellten Forschungsvorhaben wurde als Grundwerkstoff verwendete Aluminiumbronze (CuAl10Ni5Fe4) mit Wolframschmelzcarbid verstärkt. Der Hartpartikelgehalt kann dabei durch eine Steigerung des Pulvermassenstroms bis zur Packungsdichte des unverarbeiteten Pulvers erhöht werden. Über eine temperaturbasierte Leistungsregelung kann eine gleichbleibend homogene MMC-Schicht mit konstanter Dicke und Tiefe dispergiert werden. Durch das Mikrofräsen mit optimierten Parametern können qualitativ hochwertige MMC-Oberflächen für den industriellen Einsatz in Spritzgusswerkzeugen hergestellt werden. Dabei wurde vor allem der Zahnvorschub fz als kritischer Prozessparameter identifiziert.
  • Publication
    In situ microstructure analysis of Inconel 625 during laser powder bed fusion
    ( 2022)
    Schmeiser, Felix
    Krohmer, Erwin
    Wagner, Christian
    Schell, Norbert
    Reimers, Walter
    Laser powder bed fusion is an additive manufacturing process that employs highly focused laser radiation for selective melting of a metal powder bed. This process entails a complex heat flow and thermal management that results in characteristic, often highly textured microstructures, which lead to mechanical anisotropy. In this study, high-energy X-ray diffraction experiments were carried out to illuminate the formation and evolution of microstructural features during LPBF. The nickel-base alloy Inconel 625 was used for in situ experiments using a custom LPBF system designed for these investigations. The diffraction patterns yielded results regarding texture, lattice defects, recrystallization, and chemical segregation. A combination of high laser power and scanning speed results in a strong preferred crystallographic orientation, while low laser power and scanning speed showed no clear texture. The observation of a constant gauge volume revealed solid-state texture changes without remelting. They were related to in situ recrystallization processes caused by the repeated laser scanning. After recrystallization, the formation and growth of segregations were deduced from an increasing diffraction peak asymmetry and confirmed by ex situ scanning transmission electron microscopy.
  • Publication
    Optimizing the sharpening process of hybrid-bonded diamond grinding wheels by means of a process model
    ( 2022) ;
    Muthulingam, Arunan
    The grinding wheel topography influences the cutting performance and thus the economic efficiency of a grinding process. In contrary to conventional grinding wheels, super abrasive grinding wheels should undergo an additional sharpening process after the initial profiling process to obtain a suitable microstructure of the grinding wheel. Due to the lack of scientific knowledge, the sharpening process is mostly performed manually in industrial practice. A CNC-controlled sharpening process can not only improve the reproducibility of grinding processes but also decrease the secondary processing time and thereby increase the economic efficiency significantly. To optimize the sharpening process, experimental investigations were carried out to identify the significant sharpening parameters influencing the grinding wheel topography. The sharpening block width lSb, the grain size of the sharpening block dkSb and the area-related material removal in sharpening VâSb were identi fied as the most significant parameters. Additional experiments were performed to further quantify the influence of the significant sharpening parameters. Based on that, a process model was developed to predict the required sharpening parameters for certain target topographies. By using the process model, constant work results and improved process reliability can be obtained.
  • Publication
    Titanium Ti-6Al-4V alloy milling by applying industrial robots
    ( 2021)
    Grisol de Melo, Ever
    ; ;
    Oliveira Gomes, Jefferson de
    Robotic machining is an alternative to manufacturing processes that combines the technologies of a high-performance machine tool with the flexibility of a 6-axis jointed arm robot. With their large working area, industrial robots are of particular interest for processing large-volume components and large structures, like aircraft components. An influencing variable, which is particularly relevant for milling processes with industrial robots are the cutting force F and the resulting dimensional deviation D. Milling tests of titanium alloys were carried out with an industrial robot and the results compared with a conventional machine tool. Due to the low thermal conductivity and high chemical reactivity of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy, heat is generated and increases the temperature in the contact region of the cutting tool/work piece. That has an impact on the cutting tool wear and increases the cutting force F, and consequently, the dimensional deviation D and the machined surface quality. The aim of the investigations is to find a suitable parameter selection and machining strategy for machining titanium alloys with minimal deviation D and an appropriate surface finish.
  • Publication
    Parameterentwicklung im L-PBF-Prozess
    ( 2021) ;
    Mühlenweg, Philipp Alexander
    Die aktuelle Literatur zum Thema Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) beschäftigt sich größtenteils mit Dauerstrich- (continuous-wave, cw) Laser-Anlagen, die kontinuierlich strahlend das Pulverbett scannen. Zusätzlich gibt es Anlagen mit gepulsten (quasi-continuous-wave, qcw) Lasern, die einen Puls bestimmter Dauer auf einen Punkt abgeben und dann zum nächsten Punkt springen. Die Parametersätze sind nicht ohne Weiteres zwischen den Anlagentypen übertragbar. Diese Arbeit behandelt die Parameterentwicklung für den Werkstoff Haynes 282 auf einer qcw-L-PBF-Anlage.
  • Publication
    Data for a simulation of metal cutting with cutting fluid using the Finite-Pointset-Method
    ( 2021) ;
    Barth, Enrico
    Seifarth, Tobias
    Höchel, Maximilian
    Eisenträger, Almut
    The measurement and simulation data, their preparation and the simulation setup published in this co-submission are related to the article ""Simulation of metal cutting with cutting fluid using the Finite-Pointset-Method"". Wet and dry turning experiments were conducted at the Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management(IWF), Berlin, Germany. Required adaptions of the used software MESHFREE were performed at Fraunhofer ITWM, Kaiserslautern, Germany. Both institutes collaboratively developed and validated the orthogonal cutting simulation model using the Finite-Pointset-Method (FPM). In this paper all measurement and simulation data and their preparation methods are presented in detail. This includes the preparation methods of process forces, analysis of chip morphology images as well as measured contact lengths on tool rake faces. Moreover, the experimental and simulation data are provided at the Mendeley Data repository. Hence the reader can use the data for own validations and analysis. Furthermore, the used simulation model files are completely published at the Mendeley Data repository. It allows the reader to retrace all settings. In addition, this enables to repeat the simulations and to simulate other process parameter combinations according to own interests.
  • Publication
    Accuracy in force estimation applied on a piezoelectric fine positioning system for machine tools
    ( 2021) ; ;
    Triebel, Florian
    Overbeck, Rasmus
    Thom, Simon
    In order to improve the accuracy of machine tools, the use of additional active modules meeting the requirements of the ""Plug & Produce"" approach is focused. In this context one approach is the installation of a high precision positioning table for online compensation of machine tool deflections. For the model-based determination of the deflection, the knowledge of the effecting process force is crucial. This article examines the use of displacement sensors for force estimation in a piezoelectric system. The method is implemented on a high precision positioning table applicable in milling machine tools. In order to compensate nonlinear effects of piezoelectric actuators, a hysteresis operator is implemented. Experimental investigations are carried out to quantify the influence of preload stiffness, preload force and workpiece weight. Finally, a resolution d < 78 N could be achieved and further improvements to meet the requirements for online compensation of machine tool deflection are discussed.
  • Publication
    Sensor integration in hybrid additive manufactured parts for real-time monitoring in turbine operations
    Real-time monitoring of operation conditions such as tempeatures and vibrations enables efficiency enhancement for maintenance tasks. In energy industry monitoring of critical components such as turbine blades is essential for the operation safety. But the effective recording of critical process data is a challenging task due to the extreme operating conditions. With a hybrid processing approach combining two additive manufacturing technologies new classes of self-monitoring components become possible allowing data acquisition directly inside the component. Using the example of a turbine blade, the hybrid process chain is described. The turbine blade blank is produced via Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) with channels for the integration of high temperature sensors. After integration cavities were closed by Laser Directed Energy Deposition (L-DED) followed by classical milling operations for part finishing. The data acquisition is integrated in state-of-the-art product l ifecycle monitoring (PLM) software to create a digital twin. Evaluation shows that temperature could be successfully monitored at conditions of Π= 550°C.
  • Publication
    Effects on part density for a highly productive manufacturing of WC-Co via laser powder bed fusion
    ( 2021) ; ;
    Gordei, Anzhelika
    Kersting, Robert
    The additive manufacturing of parts made from difficult-to-weld materials through the usage of preheating temperatures of up to Î0 ⤠500 °C is enabled by newest L-PBF machine tools, such as the RenAM 500Q HT from the company RENISHAW PLC, Wottun-under-Edge, UK. This work aims to delevop processing parameters for the dense and crack-free manufacturing of tungsten-carbide cobalt (WC-Co) via this off-the-shelf machine tool. Therefore the laserpower and scanning speed were varied between 80 W ⤠PL ⤠350 W and 140 mm/s ⤠vS ⤠650 mm/s respectively. Furthermore the influence of a continuous and pulsed laser mode was analysed. A focus was set on the identification of parameters that enable a highly productive manufacturing while maintaining a high part density. A parameter set for relative density rel. > 94 % and a buildup rate v = 0.59 mm3/s was developed.