Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
  • Publication
    Adaptive backstepping controller with Kalman state estimator for stabilisation and manoeuvre of pedestrian controlled uniaxial transport vehicles
    ( 2015)
    Brüning, M.
    Thiele, Gregor
    Schönewolf, W.
    Krüger, J.
    Pedestrian controlled uniaxial vehicles for goods transport such as hand trucks offer intuitive manoeuvrability with little space requirements. The disadvantage of this class of statically underdetermined vehicles is the need for the user to apply force for both stabilisation and propulsion. Removing this disadvantage is the key to enable their use for convenient transportation of heavy goods over long distances. For this our solution approach is to equip the vehicle with controlled drives providing force for both balancing and propulsion. Different to uniaxial vehicles without payload or for passenger transportation controller's adaptation to kinematic and dynamic parameters is required here after every reload. The frame's pitch angle must be adapted with every change of load whereby the COG's position is not measurable with acceptable effort. Dynamic parameters vary in a wide range. We applied an adaptive controller based on backstepping combined with Kalman state estimation for stable balancing with adaptation to changed payload without need for external support from the user. The manoeuvre concept based on low interaction forces applied from the user to the vehicle frame is taking advantage of the underconstrained dynamics of the vehicle, and offers similar driving behaviour to the user with different load situations. Operating control levers for setting speed is not required. To allow for cheap production a design goal was not requiring sensor information of both load's absolute weight and user interaction forces. The adaptive control and state estimation concept was simulated based on the kinematic and dynamic model of our new uniaxial vehicle system designed for urban parcel distribution on foot. Simulation results show the correct operation of the approach.
  • Publication
    Stabilisation and manoeuvre of electrically powered pedestrian controlled uniaxial vehicles for goods transport
    ( 2014)
    Brüning, M.
    Schönewolf, W.
    Krüger, J.
    Uniaxial vehicles for goods transport such as hand trucks are popular with many transport tasks. They offer intuitive manoeuvrability with little space requirements. The disadvantage of this class of pedestrian controlled means of transportation is the need for the user to apply force for stabilisation and propulsion. To eliminate this disadvantage a solution approach is to equip the vehicle with a controlled drive system providing force for both balancing and propulsion. To make possible stabilisation of a uniaxial vehicle for goods transport without need for external support the frame's pitch angle must be adapted with every change of load, which is a fundamental difference to uniaxial vehicles without payload or for passenger transportation. To make possible intuitive and convenient pedestrian controlled manoeuvre even with high payload the controller must set translational and rotational speed based on low interaction forces applied by the user going along. To allow for cheap production we developed a balance and manoeuvre controller not requiring sensor information of both load's absolute weight and user interaction forces. Main components of the concept are a balance controller including a Kalman state estimator for identification of frame's and load's combined centre of gravity's pitch angle, a manoeuvre controller based on state space control and a sophisticated program sequence switching automatically between operating modes for reload and manoeuvre. The control concept was designed and implemented using our new uniaxial vehicle system for urban goods transport. This vehicle is the first electrically powered hand truck that both balances adaptive to changing payload and allows for pedestrian controlled manoeuvre without need to operate control levers for setting speed or steering angle. The experimental results presented in this paper show the correct operation of the approach.
  • Publication
    Freight transport system for urban shipment and delivery
    ( 2011)
    Brüning, M.
    Schönewolf, W.
    Many problems with present conventional delivery scenarios in urban areas are caused by use of conventional vehicles. These problems are amongst others limited efficiency, ecological damages, disturbance of moving traffic and pedestrians and difficulties to comply with environmental and traffic regulations, affecting local communities, business people and their customers as well as the logistic companies. Courier, Express & Parcel (CEP) providers are obliged to use conventional cars and vans due to the lack of specialized solutions. Therefore our approach is improvement of urban shipment and delivery based on existing infrastructure by means of an innovative vehicle concept. Core of the developed transport system is a uniaxial transport unit, designed for application both as part of a multiple trailer vehicle and for use as separate hand-guided transportation unit. The concept was developed based on a catalog of requirements for a vehicle for urban shipment and delivery, a result from the EU research project FIDEUS. The developed concept satisfies all formulated demands. A test vehicle of the transport system was built. Current research focuses on controller synthesis and implementation. The next step intended is execution of field tests involving logistic companies to prove the vehicle system's suitability for daily use and to discover potential for improvement.
  • Publication
    CityLog - Sustainability and efficiency of city logistics: The M-BBX (Modular BentoBox System)
    ( 2011)
    Dell'Amico, M.
    Deloof, W.
    Hadjidimitriou, S.
    Vernet, G.
    Schönewolf, W.
    This paper presents some of the results of CityLog, a European Union project approved in the context of the 7th Framework Programme that is still ongoing and will terminate at the end of 2012. The project is intended to increase the sustainability and the efficiency of urban delivery of goods through an adaptive and integrated mission management and innovative vehicle solutions. Three partners of the CityLog consortium were in charge of the design and realization of a new container concept which had to be adapted to the associated innovative vehicles solutions for load units' handling operation.
  • Publication
    A mobile measurement system for urban immission-monitoring using satellite navigation
    ( 2010) ; ; ;
    Henning, M.
    Schönewolf, W.
    ; ; ;
    Henning, M.
    Schönewolf, W.
    A mobile measurement system for immission monitoring has been developed. The detection system is mounted on a vehicle in a roof-box. This enables travels along the road network and collecting of immission data at particular reference locations. During a roundtrip the system receive concentration data for every reference location. These values provide daily profiles of toxic gas and pmiu concentrations, wmcn are plotted into a digital environment map.
  • Publication
    Satellitennavigation-gestütztes System zur Überwachung von Immissionen
    Vorgestellt wird ein Messsystem, welches in der Lage ist, die aktuelle Schadstoffbelastung mobil zu messen. Die Zuordnung der Messdaten zum Messort erfolgt mit Hilfe globaler Satellitennavigationssysteme; zurzeit mit GPS. Die rechtliche Verwertbarkeit der Lokalisierungs-Daten ist Voraussetzung für die direkte Einflussnahme auf verkehrtechnische Abläufe aufgrund der gesammelten Immissionssdaten. Aus diesem Grund soll das neue unabhängige europäische Satelliten Navigationssystem Galileo zum Einsatz kommen. Galileo wird seine volle Funktionstüchtigkeit voraussichtlich aber erst 2012 erreichen wird. Das Gas- und Partikelmesssystem wird, montiert auf einem Fahrzeug, für das Monitoring der aktuellen Immissionslage mit hoher zeitlicher und örtlicher Auflösung eingesetzt. Die dadurch erhaltenen Ergebnisse von 03, CO- und N02-Konzentrationen, sowie Pollenflug, Feinstaub und andere Schadgase in besonders frequentierten Ballungsgebieten oder Verkehrsknotenpunkten können somit eine angepasste und bedarfsorientierte Verkehrslenkung ermöglichen.
  • Publication
    EVENT-ONLINE - A Service Concept for large scale Events based on FCD Technology
    ( 2006)
    Willenbrock, R.
    Steinert, F.
    Schönewolf, W.
    Graze, K.
    Floating Car Data is a well known technology used in traffic science to detect travel time, average speed and disturbances with the help of probe cars moving as mobile sensors in a road network of interest. As GPS and GSM is available all over Europe, it is nowadays possible to generate FCD data with a simple software implementation on mobile devices such as PDA's, MDA's or navigation systems connected to a GSM module. After the generation of FCD based traffic data it can be sent to a service centre and help to improve fleet and traffic management. Results from field trials in Berlin, Hanover and Athens will be presented.
  • Publication
    Application of CIM-OSA in machine tool manufacturing and aluminium casting
    ( 1992)
    Schönewolf, W.
    Baisch, R.
    Langendoen, M.
    A characterization of the SME Manufacturing Companies' Iproblems related to today's information technology when introducing CIM-concepts leads to the role of CIM-OSA framework and the VOICE approach for its validation. Motivation and requirements of Traub pilot site are detailed covering the domains of order planning and tool management. The modelling approach is given by the first step, the Domain Establishment. From domain descriptions, requirements are derived, relevant to Traub's target Production Managment System. They form the basis for testbed configuration and Integrating Infrastructure specification at IPK laboratory from which first conclusions are drawn. First experiences with the CIM-OSA modelling framework applied to the Elval Casting Plant are sketched. By describing the applied Model Creation Process, some problems encountered in the Function View at Requirements and Design Level are addressed. Concluding, the envisaged ways of result exploitation are given.