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Kollaboration-Plattformen für virtuelle Unternehmen

2010 , Hayka, H. , Langenberg, D. , Stark, R.

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Collaborative virtual engineering for SMEs: Solutions for nomadic engineers and managers

2009 , Kürümlüoglu, M. , Kazi, A.S. , Langenberg, D. , Finger, J.

Real-time interactive collaboration is the key to the success of organisations providing customised products/services to clients. This is especially the case when managers and engineers are on the move and need to communicate with and access data from not only the head office, but from other partners and clients engaged in the definition, development, delivery, or maintenance of the product/service. This paper presents technical developments of a collaborative environment built using mashup concepts to support SMEs in their virtual engineering work for three main use cases: manager on business trip; engineer on remote site; virtual team collaboration. An iterative living lab approach constituting systemic consideration of people, processes, and technologies was used. Findings indicate that for SMEs, simple integration of applications and services using mashup is a cheaper and more viable alternative for their collaborative virtual engineering work as compared to heavy investments in integration of applications using approaches such as service oriented architectures.

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New potentials for virtual product creation by utilizing grid technology

2009 , Stark, R. , Hayka, H. , Langenberg, D.

Efficient Virtual product creation combined with predictive engineering requires high-capacity computing and communication technologies as well as fast and transparent supply of knowledge, information and data. For this purpose, grid technologies offer great potentials for virtual product creation. One objective of grid computing is to perform more realistic simulations for better prediction of effects with reduced costs. This paper describes the approach and methods how engineering analysis problems in product development and manufacturing can be solved in the flexible context of CAE applications and grid computing infrastructure. The presented results are partly achieved in a joint project with partners from research and industry.

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Collaborative engineering

2007 , Krause, F.-L. , Hayka, H. , Langenberg, D.

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Kooperationsplattformen für virtuelle Unternehmen

2010 , Hayka, H. , Langenberg, D. , Stark, R.

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Global vernetzt arbeiten

2009 , Kürümlüoglu, M. , Finger, J. , Dryndos, J. , Langenberg, D.

Die traditionelle Stärke von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) ist das flexible und kooperative Arbeiten, meist in firmeninternen Teams, die schnelle Entscheidungen durch kurze Wege ermöglichen. Die zunehmende Globalisierung der Märkte und die sich damit schnell ändernden Wettbewerbsbedingungen erfordern jedoch die unternehmensübergreifende Zusammenarbeit sowie Kooperation auch über regionale Grenzen hinaus. Dieser Wandel birgt speziell für KMU die Gefahr, dass die bestehende Flexibilität, Agilität und Innovationsfähigkeit eingeschränkt wird. Ein Schlüsselfaktor für den Erhalt und Ausbau der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit ist der Einsatz von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IuK) zur mobilen Unterstützung der Zusammenarbeit in virtuellen, vernetzten Teams.

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Collaborative virtual engineering for SMEs: Technical architecture

2008 , Dryndos, J. , Kazi, A.S. , Langenberg, D. , Löh, H. , Stark, R.

Collaboration and mobility are two actual trends in new product development today. Due to the globalization of the economies and the outsourcing of specific tasks, companies have to work together as Virtual Organisations. However, the work environments of the collaborating people are very complex. In every company different processes and IT systems are used. Additionally, people are seldom at their company site, especially in small and medium sized companies (SME) the key personnel are often on the road. There they have no access to their digital files and information resources of their companies. This paper describes the architecture concept of a mobile collaborative environment addressing these problems.

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Combining heterogeneous PLM environments with grid computing and virtual reality applications

2010 , Hayka, H. , Langenberg, D. , Stark, R. , Wolter, L.

Virtual product creation applications increasingly need data from heterogeneous PLM environments. Nowadays in common collaborations or in Virtual Organizations, this situation is even more complicated, because several organizational units and enterprises work together in a field of dispersed and heterogeneous data management systems. This paper introduces an integration solution to provide application systems with required data. It focuses on two use cases in virtual product creation. The first use case concerns with resource sharing in virtual organizations by grid computing in the context of product and simulation data management. The second use case deals with data preparation for virtual reality applications. Despite their differences, both use cases have many requirements in common for transparent data management. The realized concepts implement solutions for data collection, secure transports and authentication for users and systems in heterogeneous PLM environments. For this, it uses several standards, e.g. PLM Services, web services, X.509.

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Technical architecture for configurable working environments for SMEs

2009 , Langenberg, D. , Dryndos, J.

Collaborations between SME are different than the traditional OEM-supplier chains. Here are other requirements in the focus of interest: Low costs are often more important than powerful and complex software products as well as flexibility to integrate with any kind of application is more necessary than already available integration solution for big enterprise application, which are only sporadic used in SMEs. Therefore the CoVES (Collaborative Virtual Engineering for SMEs) project followed a new approach for flexible integration of web applications in collaboration environments. The approach differs from the currently promoted service oriented architectures. This paper focuses on two technical aspects of the CoVES architecture: Mashup concept, which is a technology for a seamless integrati on of web applications, and Single Sign On for an easy access on the distributed data sources.

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Trends in collaboration applications for virtual design

2007 , Hayka, H. , Langenberg, D.