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Success factors and organizational approaches for the implementation and the operational use of energy management systems according to ISO 50001

2014 , Karcher, Phillip , Jochem, Roland , Fourmont, Robert , Leu, Stephan

Constantly increasing energy costs, changing statutory requirements and a demand for environmentally friendly produced products require a more intense consideration of the topic of sustainability in all kinds of businesses. With the ISO 50001 the International Organization for Standardization published a new norm in December 2011 that defines the requirements for energy management systems. In order to identify the success factors for the implementation and the operational use of such an energy management system the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology has conducted a survey among German companies that are already certified according to ISO 50001. Amongst the ISO 9001-basedfamily of management system norms the ISO 50001 is the first one to emphasize the necessity for a thorough consideration of staffing and team building aspects since the required competencies in energy management projects cover the entire band width of modern companies human capital e.g. knowledge in energy efficiency technologies, purchasing, legal aspects, process and project management. Thus, besides focusing on general success factors, the study especially observes organizational aspects of energy management, which is scarcely addressed in existing studies. Another main claim of the survey is how to identify the affecting factors of building a competent energy team, organizing the required staffing processes effectively and finding the optimal individual organizational form within the corporate organization. The primary objective of the survey is deriving the codes of best practices in running an energy management system. Therefore the companies are asked how they dealt with specific problems they faced during the phases of preparation to achieve the certification and also during day-to-day business. This survey searches for both, the most efficient way of how the certification process can be conducted from the first idea of implementing an energy management system to the issuance of the certificate and the most effective way of how to achieve this certification. In this context the relations between a systematic approach in preparation of the certification procedure and the competitiveness of the results will be examined. The target group of the survey consists of energy managers and persons in authority of the energy management system of ISO 5 0001-certified companies in Germany. It is designed as an online questionnaire with more than a thousand potential participants. It will be published in April 2014.

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Success factors and organizational approaches for the implementation and the operational use of energy management systems according to ISO 50001

2014 , Karcher, Phillip , Jochem, Roland

Due to rising energy costs, increasing global competitive pressure and the demand for environmentally friendly products companies all over the world consider the implementation of an energy management system (EnMS) to meet future challenges. The purpose of this paper is to identify main success factors for the effective implementation, operation and certification of an EnMS in accordance with ISO 50001, which represents the fastest growing standard for management systems in the world. For that reason a survey among already certified German companies has been conducted focusing on organizational, teambuilding and technical aspects. The study provides best practice knowledge and gives interested companies the advantage to benefit from both the positive experiences of the participants as well as to prevent potential contra productive activities during the implementation, certification and operation of an EnMS. Results indicate that EnMSs are most commonly built on already existing management structures and therefore staff organization is crucial for the success of the project. Still, monetary aspects such as energy related cost savings seem to be the decisive criterion for the operation of an EnMS. Regarding teambuilding aspects specific technical expertise is required which leads to cross-functional teams focusing on the field of production. In addition key technical and administrative measures for an effective EnMS were identified.